How to use the command 'lmms' (with examples)

How to use the command 'lmms' (with examples)

LMMS is a free, open-source, cross-platform digital audio workstation that allows users to create music with their computer. The lmms command provides various options to start the LMMS GUI, import and export files, and customize the rendering process.

Use case 1: Start the GUI



Motivation: This use case allows users to simply start the LMMS GUI without any additional configurations or file imports.

Explanation: The command lmms starts the LMMS GUI, allowing users to create and edit their music projects using the graphical interface.

Example output: The LMMS GUI is displayed, ready for the user to start working on their music project.

Use case 2: Start the GUI and load external config


lmms --config path/to/config.xml

Motivation: This use case enables users to load an external configuration file when starting the LMMS GUI. This can be useful for users who have specific settings or preferences saved in a separate configuration file.

Explanation: The --config option followed by the path to a configuration file instructs LMMS to load the provided configuration file when starting the GUI.

Example output: The LMMS GUI is started and the settings from the specified configuration file are applied.

Use case 3: Start the GUI and import MIDI or Hydrogen file


lmms --import path/to/midi/or/hydrogen/file

Motivation: This use case allows users to import MIDI or Hydrogen files into LMMS, enabling them to work with existing music compositions or patterns.

Explanation: The --import option followed by the path to a MIDI or Hydrogen file instructs LMMS to import the specified file into the GUI.

Example output: The LMMS GUI is started and the imported MIDI or Hydrogen file is loaded, ready for further editing or playback.

Use case 4: Start the GUI with a specified window size


lmms --geometry x_sizexy_size+x_offset+y_offset

Motivation: This use case allows users to customize the initial size and position of the LMMS GUI window according to their preferences or workflow needs.

Explanation: The --geometry option followed by the desired window size, position, and offset values instructs LMMS to start the GUI with the specified window dimensions and position on the screen.

Example output: The LMMS GUI is started with the specified window size, position, and offset values, ensuring optimal visibility and arrangement for the user.

Use case 5: Dump a .mmpz file


lmms dump path/to/mmpz/file.mmpz

Motivation: This use case allows users to extract the contents and structure of a .mmpz file in a readable format, such as XML.

Explanation: The dump subcommand followed by the path to a .mmpz file instructs LMMS to dump the contents of the file as XML, providing a detailed representation of the project structure.

Example output: The contents of the specified .mmpz file are printed in XML format, allowing users to analyze and understand the project structure.

Use case 6: Render a project file


lmms render path/to/mmpz_or_mmp/file

Motivation: This use case allows users to render their LMMS project files into audio files, giving them the ability to export their music compositions.

Explanation: The render subcommand followed by the path to an .mmpz or .mmp file instructs LMMS to render the project file into an audio file.

Example output: The specified LMMS project file is rendered into an audio file, which can then be played back or exported for further use.

Use case 7: Render the individual tracks of a project file


lmms rendertracks path/to/mmpz_or_mmp/file path/to/dump/directory

Motivation: This use case allows users to render the individual tracks of an LMMS project file, giving them more control over the rendering process and allowing for further customization or editing of each track.

Explanation: The rendertracks subcommand followed by the path to an .mmpz or .mmp file and the path to a directory instructs LMMS to render each track of the project file into separate audio files saved in the specified directory.

Example output: Each track from the specified LMMS project file is rendered into separate audio files, which are saved in the specified directory, allowing users to further work on and manipulate each track individually.

Use case 8: Render with custom samplerate, format, and as a loop


lmms render --samplerate 88200 --format ogg --loop --output path/to/output/file.ogg

Motivation: This use case allows users to customize the rendering process by specifying the samplerate, output format, and whether the rendered audio should loop.

Explanation: The render subcommand followed by various options such as --samplerate for specifying the samplerate, --format for specifying the output format, --loop for enabling looping, and --output for specifying the output file path instructs LMMS to render the project file with the specified configurations.

Example output: The LMMS project file is rendered with a samplerate of 88200, in OGG format, as a loop, and saved as the specified output file, providing a customized render of the project.


The lmms command provides a range of capabilities for working with LMMS, allowing users to start the GUI, import and export files, and customize the rendering process. By leveraging these use cases, users can make the most of LMMS to create and manipulate their music projects.

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