How to use the command ln (with examples)

How to use the command ln (with examples)

The ln command is used to create links to files and directories. It can create symbolic links (also known as soft links) and hard links. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts in Windows, while hard links are like multiple names for the same file.


ln -s /path/to/file_or_directory path/to/symlink

Motivation: Creating a symbolic link allows you to have multiple access points to a file or directory. This can be useful when organizing files or creating shortcuts to frequently accessed directories.


  • -s: Specifies that we want to create a symbolic link.
  • /path/to/file_or_directory: The path to the file or directory you want to link.
  • path/to/symlink: The path and name of the symbolic link you want to create.

Example output:

Suppose we have a file called document.txt located at /home/user/documents. We want to create a symbolic link called shortcut in our home directory that points to this file. We can use the following command:

ln -s /home/user/documents/document.txt /home/user/shortcut

After running the command, a symbolic link called shortcut will be created in the home directory, and accessing it will open the original document.txt file.


ln -sf /path/to/new_file path/to/symlink

Motivation: This use case is handy when you need to update the target of an existing symbolic link without having to delete it first.


  • -s: Specifies that we want to create a symbolic link.
  • -f: Forces the creation of the link, overwriting if necessary.
  • /path/to/new_file: The new file you want the symbolic link to point to.
  • path/to/symlink: The path and name of the existing symbolic link.

Example output:

Let’s assume we have a symbolic link named shortcut located in our home directory, pointing to /home/user/documents/document.txt. Now, we want to update the link to point to /home/user/pictures/image.jpg. To do this, we can use the following command:

ln -sf /home/user/pictures/image.jpg /home/user/shortcut

After running the command, the shortcut symbolic link will be updated, and accessing it will open the image.jpg file instead of the previous document.txt file.


ln /path/to/file path/to/hardlink

Motivation: Creating a hard link allows you to have multiple names for the same file. This can be useful when organizing files or when you want changes made to one file to be reflected in the other as well.


  • /path/to/file: The path to the file you want to link.
  • path/to/hardlink: The path and name of the hard link you want to create.

Example output:

Suppose we have a file called original.txt at /home/user/documents. We want to create a hard link called duplicate.txt in the same directory. We can accomplish this by using the following command:

ln /home/user/documents/original.txt /home/user/documents/duplicate.txt

After running the command, a hard link named duplicate.txt will be created, which points to the same contents as the original.txt file. Changes made to one file will be reflected in the other.

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