How to use the command lpstat (with examples)

How to use the command lpstat (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The lpstat command is a tool used in Unix and Unix-like operating systems to display status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. It provides various options to retrieve information about the printing system.

Use case 1: Show a long listing of printers, classes, and jobs


lpstat -l


The motivation for using this command is to obtain detailed information about the printers, classes, and jobs present in the printing system. This can be useful for troubleshooting or monitoring purposes.


  • -l: This option shows a long listing of printers, classes, and jobs. It provides detailed information such as printer name, printer location, printer state, job ID, job owner, job title, etc.

Example output:

printer Printer1 is idle.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
printer Printer2 is idle.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
printer Printer3 now printing Printer3-1234.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
job Printer3-1234 is printer Printer3 since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:05:00 AM CEST.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:05:00 AM CEST

Use case 2: Force encryption when connecting to the CUPS server


lpstat -E


The motivation for using this command is to establish an encrypted connection with the CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) server. This can help protect sensitive information being transmitted over the network.


  • -E: This option forces encryption when connecting to the CUPS server. It ensures that the communication between the client and server is encrypted for enhanced security.

Example output:

Encryption: Yes
Connection: SSL/TLS encryption enabled

Use case 3: Show the ranking of print jobs


lpstat -R


The motivation for using this command is to determine the ranking of print jobs in the printing system. This can be useful to prioritize or reorder print jobs based on their ranking.


  • -R: This option shows the ranking of print jobs. It provides information about the priority or order in which the print jobs will be processed.

Example output:

Ranking of print jobs:
1st: Job1
2nd: Job2
3rd: Job3

Use case 4: Show whether or not the CUPS server is running


lpstat -r


The motivation for using this command is to check the status of the CUPS server. It allows users to determine whether the CUPS server is running or not.


  • -r: This option shows whether or not the CUPS server is running. It provides information about the current status of the CUPS server.

Example output:

CUPS server is running

Use case 5: Show all status information


lpstat -t


The motivation for using this command is to obtain comprehensive status information about the current printing system. This can be useful for monitoring purposes or when troubleshooting printing issues.


  • -t: This option shows all status information. It provides a detailed overview of the printers, classes, and jobs, along with their respective states and other relevant details.

Example output:

Scheduler is running
System default destination: Printer1
Printer1 is idle.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
Printer2 is idle.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
Printer3 now printing Printer3-1234.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 AM CEST
job 1 is printer Printer3 since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:05:00 AM CEST.  enabled since Wed 30 Jun 2021 09:05:00 AM CEST


The lpstat command is a versatile tool for retrieving status information about printers, classes, and jobs in a Unix or Unix-like operating system. It provides various options to display different levels of information, allowing users to troubleshoot, monitor, or manage the printing system effectively.

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