How to use the command lrunzip (with examples)

How to use the command lrunzip (with examples)

The command lrunzip is a large file decompression program that allows for the decompression of files compressed using the lrzip compression algorithm. It provides several options to configure the decompression process, such as specifying the number of processor threads, overwriting existing files, keeping broken or damaged files, and specifying the output file name and/or path.

Use case 1: Decompress a file


lrunzip filename.lrz

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to decompress a file that has been compressed using the lrzip compression algorithm.

Explanation: The command lrunzip is followed by the name of the file that you want to decompress (filename.lrz). This will decompress the file and create a new file without the “.lrz” extension in the same directory.

Example output: If the filename.lrz file was compressed, the output of this command would be the decompressed file.

Use case 2: Decompress a file using a specific number of processor threads


lrunzip -p 8 filename.lrz

Motivation: This use case can be helpful when you want to speed up the decompression process by utilizing multiple processor threads.

Explanation: The -p option is used to specify the number of processor threads to use during decompression. In the example above, we are using 8 processor threads by providing the argument 8. This allows for parallel decompression, which can significantly increase the decompression speed.

Example output: The output of this command would be the decompressed file using 8 processor threads for the decompression process.

Use case 3: Decompress a file and silently overwrite files if they exist


lrunzip -f filename.lrz

Motivation: This use case can be helpful when you want to decompress a file and automatically overwrite existing files without being prompted for confirmation.

Explanation: The -f option is used to force the overwrite of existing files without prompting for confirmation. In the example above, the command lrunzip -f filename.lrz will decompress the file filename.lrz and overwrite any existing files with the same name.

Example output: The output of this command would be the decompressed file, and any existing files with the same name would be silently overwritten.

Use case 4: Keep broken or damaged files instead of deleting them when decompressing


lrunzip -K filename.lrz

Motivation: This use case can be useful when you want to keep broken or damaged files during the decompression process for further analysis or recovery.

Explanation: The -K option is used to keep broken or damaged files instead of deleting them during decompression. In the example above, the command lrunzip -K filename.lrz will decompress the file filename.lrz and preserve any broken or damaged files instead of deleting them.

Example output: The output of this command would be the decompressed file, and any broken or damaged files during the decompression process would be preserved.

Use case 5: Specify output file name and/or path


lrunzip -o outfilename filename.lrz

Motivation: This use case can be useful when you want to specify a custom output file name and/or path for the decompressed file.

Explanation: The -o option is used to specify the output file name and/or path. In the example above, the command lrunzip -o outfilename filename.lrz will decompress the file filename.lrz and save the decompressed file with the name outfilename in the same directory.

Example output: The output of this command would be the decompressed file saved with the specified output file name and/or path.


The command lrunzip is a powerful tool for decompressing files that have been compressed using the lrzip compression algorithm. By using the various options provided by lrunzip, you can configure the decompression process according to your needs, including specifying the number of processor threads, overwriting existing files, keeping broken or damaged files, and specifying the output file name and/or path. Understanding these use cases and their corresponding command syntax will enable you to effectively utilize the lrunzip command for decompressing lrzip files.

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