"lsb_release" Command (with examples)

"lsb_release" Command (with examples)

The lsb_release command is a useful Linux command that provides information about the Linux distribution in use. It is commonly used to determine the version and release details of a Linux operating system. This article will provide code examples to illustrate different use cases of the lsb_release command.

Use Case 1: Print all available information

The lsb_release -a command prints all available information about the Linux distribution, including the distribution ID, description, release number, and codename. This command is useful when you need a comprehensive overview of the Linux distribution.

lsb_release -a

Example output:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

Use Case 2: Print the description of the operating system

The lsb_release -d command prints the description or the full name of the Linux operating system. This can be helpful when you need to quickly identify the distribution without additional details.

lsb_release -d

Example output:

Description: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

Use Case 3: Print only the operating system name (ID)

The lsb_release -i -s command prints only the operating system name (ID), suppressing the field name. This is useful when you need to extract only the Linux distribution ID for scripting or automation purposes.

lsb_release -i -s

Example output:


Use Case 4: Print the release number and codename of the distribution

The lsb_release -rcs command prints the release number and codename of the Linux distribution, suppressing the field names. This command is suitable when you need to obtain specific information about the release version and codename.

lsb_release -rcs

Example output:


In conclusion, the lsb_release command is a handy tool when you need to retrieve information about the Linux distribution. By using various combinations of command-line arguments, you can obtain specific details such as the distribution ID, description, release number, and codename.

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