How to Use the Command `lsd` (with examples)

How to Use the Command `lsd` (with examples)

lsd is a modern adaptation of the traditional ls command, designed for listing directory contents. It is built in Rust, offering enhancements in speed and usability over the classic ls command. It provides several useful features such as colorful output, tree view of directories, and improved formatting options, making it more adaptable to present-day requirements of developers and system administrators.

Use case 1: List files and directories, one per line


lsd -1

In scenarios where you want to process or analyze the output of directory contents programmatically, listing files and directories one per line can be extremely helpful as it simplifies the parsing and subsequent manipulation of output.


  • -1: This flag instructs lsd to display each entry in the directory on a separate line. This is particularly beneficial when you are dealing with a lot of files and need clean, unambiguous output for scripting or logging purposes.

Example Output:


Use case 2: List all files and directories, including hidden ones, in the current directory


lsd -a

Hidden files (those prefixed with a dot, such as .gitignore) often contain configuration settings and other vital information needed during development or troubleshooting. Being able to list these hidden files allows you to have a comprehensive view of all items within a directory.


  • -a: This option makes lsd list all entries in the directory, including those that are hidden. Hidden files can store important configurations or data that might not be immediately visible, and lsd -a helps unearth them.

Example Output:


Use case 3: List files and directories with trailing ‘/’ added to directory names


lsd -F

Identifying directories at a glance can be challenging, especially in directories with mixed content. By adding a trailing slash, users can easily distinguish between files and directories without additional commands.


  • -F: This flag appends a / to directory names. This visual cue is particularly useful when quickly scanning the output to differentiate between files and directories.

Example Output:


Use case 4: List all files and directories in long format


lsd -lha

When you need a detailed view of file properties such as permissions, ownership, sizes in human-readable format, and last modification dates, a long format listing provides comprehensive insights into directory contents. This is particularly beneficial for administrative tasks.


  • -l: Creates a detailed listing format.
  • -h: Displays sizes in a human-friendly format, rather than raw byte counts.
  • -a: Includes hidden files in the listing.

Example Output:

drwxr-xr-x  5 user group 4.0K Sep 18 08:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 user group 4.0K Sep 18 07:59 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 user group  180 Apr 27 12:16 .gitignore
-rw-r--r--  1 user group 1.2M Apr 27 12:16 file1.txt
drwxr-xr-x  3 user group 4.0K Apr 27 12:16 directory1

Use case 5: List files and directories in long format, sorted by size (descending)


lsd -lS

Understanding which files are consuming the most disk space is pivotal for system maintenance, especially when dealing with storage limitations. Sorting files by size helps quickly identify large files that might need to be moved or deleted.


  • -l: Outputs the information in a detailed format.
  • -S: Sorts the output by file size, presenting larger files first. This makes it efficient to recognize and manage disk usage quickly.

Example Output:

-rw-r--r--  1 user group 128M Apr 27 12:16 largefile.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 user group  20M Apr 27 12:16 mediumfile.mp4
drwxr-xr-x  3 user group 4.0K Apr 27 12:16 directory1
-rw-r--r--  1 user group  180 Apr 27 12:16 smallfile.txt

Use case 6: List files and directories in long format, sorted by modification date (oldest first)


lsd -ltr

Sorting files by modification date in ascending order is beneficial for identifying older files, especially when managing archival systems or performing routine clean-up operations.


  • -l: Produces a detailed listing.
  • -t: Sorts files by modification time.
  • -r: Reverses the output, showing the oldest files first, which can help in review processes for disposal or archiving.

Example Output:

-rw-r--r--  1 user group  180 Jan  1  2023 oldfile.txt
drwxr-xr-x  3 user group 4.0K Feb 23  2023 directory1
-rw-r--r--  1 user group 1.2M Mar 15  2023 newerfile.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 user group  20M Apr 30  2023 newestfile.mp4

Use case 7: Only list directories


lsd -d */

At times, focusing solely on directories is crucial, particularly when managing or organizing directory structures without being distracted by files within those directories.


  • -d: Limits the listing to directories only.
  • */: The glob pattern */ specifies to match only directories, a convenient way to filter out files and get a clean list of subdirectories.

Example Output:


Use case 8: Recursively list all directories in a tree format


lsd --tree -d

For a comprehensive overview of directory structures, viewing directories recursively in a tree format can be invaluable. This visualization aids in understanding the nesting and depth of directories, which is especially beneficial for project structure reviews or migration tasks.


  • --tree: Enables tree-like display of directories, providing a hierarchical view.
  • -d: Restricts the output to only directories, omitting files for clarity in structure display.

Example Output:

├── directory1
│   ├── subdirectory1
│   └── subdirectory2
└── directory2
    ├── subdirectory1
    └── subdirectory2


The lsd command is a powerful tool for listing directory contents with advanced features and customizations that go beyond the traditional ls command. It excels in providing readability and efficiency with options tailored for modern workflows, from listing file details to displaying directory structures in a tree-like format. With its multitude of flags and functionalities, lsd can enhance command-line productivity and streamline file and directory management tasks.

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