How to use the command 'lspath' (with examples)

How to use the command 'lspath' (with examples)

The lspath command is used to list the contents of the PATH environment variable, with an optional paging feature. It is a useful command to view and manage the directories that are searched for executable files in the system.

Use case 1: Print the contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line



Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly view the directories included in the system PATH variable to know where your executable files are located. It helps in understanding the order in which directories are searched for executable files when you run a command.

Explanation: No additional arguments are required for this use case. The command lspath without any argument simply prints the contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line.

Example output:


Use case 2: Print the current contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line, with the output paged


lspath --page

Motivation: When the system PATH variable contains a large number of directories, it may be difficult to view all the directories at once. The --page option helps in paging the output, allowing you to scroll through the list of directories easily.

Explanation: The --page option is used to enable paging for the output of the lspath command. It prints the contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line, and pauses after each screenful of output. This allows you to navigate through the output using the keyboard, providing a convenient way to view long lists.

Example output:

Press enter or space to continue, 'q' to quit:



The lspath command is a handy utility to list the contents of the system PATH variable. By using it with or without the --page option, you can easily view and manage the directories that are searched for executable files in your system.

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