How to Use the Lua Command (with Examples)

How to Use the Lua Command (with Examples)

Lua is a highly versatile, lightweight, and embeddable programming language that is commonly used for scripting in applications, games, and other software where a flexible and efficient scripting solution is required. Created with simplicity and efficiency in mind, Lua has become a preferred choice among developers for being easy to integrate with C/C++ applications. Here we explore different use cases of the Lua command to demonstrate its functionality and versatility.

Use Case 1: Start an Interactive Lua Shell




One of the best features of Lua is its interactive shell, which allows developers to quickly test small snippets of code and evaluate Lua expressions in real time. This can be particularly useful for educational purposes, quick prototyping, or debugging. When working interactively, you can immediately see the results of executed code, making it an excellent tool for learning and exploration.


When the lua command is run without any additional arguments, it starts the interactive shell environment for Lua. In this shell, users can input Lua commands or scripts line by line and receive immediate feedback or results.

Example output:

> print("Hello Lua")
Hello Lua

Use Case 2: Execute a Lua Script


lua path/to/script.lua --optional-argument


Executing a Lua script via the command line allows developers to run predefined sets of Lua instructions or applications. This is particularly useful when you want to automate tasks or run programs that have been configured to work as scripts. Automation scripts can range from simple one-liners to complex, large-scale applications.


  • lua: This is the base command that starts the Lua interpreter.
  • path/to/script.lua: Here, you specify the path to the Lua script file you wish to execute. This script contains the Lua code that will be run by the interpreter.
  • --optional-argument: This is a placeholder for any optional arguments that the script may require. These can be accessed in the Lua script using the arg table, allowing the script to be dynamic and respond to different inputs or configurations supplied by the user.

Example output:

Assuming script.lua contains the following code:

print("Script executed", arg[1])

Running the command:

lua script.lua "ArgumentValue"

This will produce:

Script executed ArgumentValue

Use Case 3: Execute a Lua Expression


lua -e 'print("Hello World")'


Executing Lua expressions directly from the command line is useful when you want to perform simple operations or calculations without the need to create a file. This can be handy for quick tests, scripting simple tasks, or using Lua in conjunction with other shell commands for pipeline processing.


  • lua: The command invokes the Lua interpreter.
  • -e: This option tells Lua to execute the code enclosed within the following quotes directly. It’s a way of passing a script or an expression to be executed without needing to load a separate file.
  • 'print("Hello World")': This Lua expression represents the code to be executed. In this case, it calls the print function with the string “Hello World”, which results in the string being displayed in the terminal.

Example output:

Hello World


The Lua command is a flexible and powerful tool that provides various ways to execute Lua code, whether through an interactive shell, script files, or direct expressions from the command line. Its versatility allows for ease of testing, automation, and integration into larger applications, making it a favored choice among developers who need an efficient scripting solution. By using these use cases, developers can harness the full potential of Lua for a wide range of applications.

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