How to use the command 'lxterminal' (with examples)

How to use the command 'lxterminal' (with examples)

LXterminal is a terminal emulator designed for LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). It provides a simple and lightweight interface for running command-line applications. This article will demonstrate various use cases of the lxterminal command.

Use case 1: Open an LXTerminal window



Motivation: Opening an LXTerminal window without any arguments is a basic use case. It allows users to access a shell prompt where they can run commands and interact with the system.

Explanation: The lxterminal command with no arguments simply launches an LXTerminal window.

Example output: The command opens an LXTerminal window with a shell prompt, ready for user input.

Use case 2: Open an LXTerminal window, run a command, and then exit


lxterminal -e "command"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to run a specific command in an LXTerminal window and then have it automatically close once the command is executed. It is especially handy for running one-time commands or short scripts.

Explanation: The -e option followed by a command specifies the command to run in the LXTerminal window.

Example output: Running the command lxterminal -e "echo Hello, World!" will open an LXTerminal window, execute the echo Hello, World! command, display the output (“Hello, World!”), and then close the LXTerminal window.

Use case 3: Open an LXTerminal window with multiple tabs


lxterminal --tabs=tab_name1,tab_name2,...

Motivation: When working on multiple tasks or projects simultaneously, it can be convenient to have different command-line tabs within a single LXTerminal window. This use case allows you to open an LXTerminal window with multiple tabs pre-defined.

Explanation: The --tabs option followed by tab names separated by commas creates multiple tabs within the LXTerminal window.

Example output: Running the command lxterminal --tabs=Tab1,Tab2 will open an LXTerminal window with two tabs named “Tab1” and “Tab2” respectively.

Use case 4: Open an LXTerminal window with a specific title


lxterminal --title=title_name

Motivation: Setting a custom title for an LXTerminal window can be helpful for organization and distinguishing between multiple terminal windows.

Explanation: The --title option followed by a custom title specifies the title for the LXTerminal window.

Example output: Running the command lxterminal --title="My Terminal" will open an LXTerminal window with the title “My Terminal”.

Use case 5: Open an LXTerminal window with a specific working directory


lxterminal --working-directory=path/to/directory

Motivation: When working with a specific project or directory, it is often convenient to open a terminal window directly in that directory. This use case allows you to open an LXTerminal window with the specified working directory.

Explanation: The --working-directory option followed by the path to a directory sets the initial working directory of the LXTerminal window.

Example output: Running the command lxterminal --working-directory=/home/user/Documents will open an LXTerminal window with the working directory set to “/home/user/Documents”.


The lxterminal command provides various options and capabilities for controlling the behavior of an LXTerminal window. Whether it is opening a terminal window, executing commands, customizing the title, or setting the working directory, these examples demonstrate the flexibility of the lxterminal command. By leveraging these features, users can enhance their command-line experience in LXDE.

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