Swiss Army Knife for macOS (with examples)

Swiss Army Knife for macOS (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

1: Using command m battery status

This command allows you to get the current status of your battery on your macOS device.


m battery status

Motivation: Knowing the battery status of your device is essential for managing its power usage. This command provides you with information such as the battery charge level, status (charging or discharging), remaining capacity, and more.

Explanation: The battery subcommand is used to access battery-related information on your macOS device. By appending status to the command, you retrieve the current status of the battery.

Example Output:

AC Power: Present
Battery charging: No
Fully charged: No
Is charging: No

2: Using command m bluetooth off

This command disables the Bluetooth functionality on your macOS device.


m bluetooth off

Motivation: Disabling Bluetooth can help conserve battery life and enhance privacy and security by preventing unauthorized Bluetooth connections. This command allows you to easily turn off Bluetooth when it is not in use.

Explanation: The bluetooth subcommand is used to interact with the Bluetooth settings on your macOS device. By appending off to the command, you deactivate the Bluetooth functionality.

Example Output:

Bluetooth turned off successfully.

3: Using command m disk filesystems

This command lists the available filesystems for formatting on your macOS device.


m disk filesystems

Motivation: Before formatting a disk or partition on your macOS device, it is crucial to know which filesystem options are available. This command provides you with a list of supported filesystems, allowing you to make informed decisions about the formatting process.

Explanation: The disk subcommand is used to manage disks and partitions on your macOS device. By appending filesystems to the command, you retrieve the list of available filesystems.

Example Output:

Available filesystems for formatting:
- HFS+

4: Using command m dock autohide YES

This command enables the auto hide feature for the Dock on your macOS device.


m dock autohide YES

Motivation: Enabling the Dock’s auto hide feature can provide a clutter-free workspace, especially on smaller screens. This command allows you to automatically hide the Dock and access it when needed, maximizing your screen real estate.

Explanation: The dock subcommand is used to manage the Dock settings on your macOS device. By appending autohide YES to the command, you enable the auto hide feature.

Example Output:

Auto hide feature enabled for the Dock.

5: Using command m firewall disable

This command disables the firewall on your macOS device.


m firewall disable

Motivation: Disabling the firewall can be necessary in certain situations, such as troubleshooting network connectivity issues or when using trusted networks. This command allows you to easily toggle the firewall on your macOS device.

Explanation: The firewall subcommand is used to manage the firewall settings on your macOS device. By appending disable to the command, you deactivate the firewall.

Example Output:

Firewall disabled successfully.

By utilizing the versatile m command, you can conveniently perform various tasks on your macOS device, ranging from checking battery status to managing system settings. Its intuitive syntax and comprehensive functionality make it a valuable tool for macOS users.

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