A Guide to Using the m4 Command (with examples)

A Guide to Using the m4 Command (with examples)


The m4 command is a versatile macro processor that allows you to define and manipulate macros in files. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the m4 command, along with their corresponding code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

1: Processing Macros in a File


m4 path/to/file


The motivation behind this use case is to process macros defined within a file. This allows you to separate macro definitions and macro usage, making your code more modular and easier to maintain. By using the m4 command, you can replace macro calls with their respective values and generate an output file.


  • m4 is the command itself.
  • path/to/file is the path to the file containing the macros and their usage.

Example Output:

Let’s assume we have a file named example.m4 with the following content:

define(HOSTNAME, `mymachine')
define(NETWORK, `')
define(GATEWAY, `')

Router: <<HOSTNAME>> with IP <<GATEWAY>> is the default gateway in the <<NETWORK>> network.

Running m4 example.m4 will produce the following output:

Router: mymachine with IP is the default gateway in the network.

2: Defining a Macro Before Processing Files


m4 -Dmacro_name=macro_value path/to/file


The motivation behind this use case is to define a macro and its value before processing files. This allows you to override the default macro value defined within the file, providing flexibility in customizing macro values for specific use cases.


  • m4 is the command itself.
  • -Dmacro_name=macro_value is used to define a macro and its corresponding value. Replace macro_name with the desired macro name and macro_value with the desired value.
  • path/to/file is the path to the file containing the macros and their usage.

Example Output:

Continuing with the previous example file example.m4, running m4 -DHOSTNAME=myrouter example.m4 will produce the following output:

Router: myrouter with IP is the default gateway in the network.

In this example, we have overridden the default value of the HOSTNAME macro with myrouter.


In this article, we explored two different use cases of the m4 command. We learned how to process macros in a file and how to define a macro with a specific value before processing files. By utilizing these features of the m4 command, you can enhance your code modularization and flexibility. With the provided code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs, you should now have a good understanding of how to utilize the m4 command effectively in your projects.

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