How to use the command `magick` (with examples)

How to use the command `magick` (with examples)

The magick command is a powerful tool in ImageMagick version 7+ that allows users to create, edit, compose, or convert between image formats. It provides a wide range of functionalities for image manipulation and processing. This article will demonstrate several use cases of the magick command, along with their code, motivation, explanation, and example outputs.

Use case 1: Convert between image formats


magick path/to/input_image.png path/to/output_image.jpg

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to convert an image from one format to another. For example, you may have a PNG image that needs to be converted to JPEG format for better web compatibility or reduced file size.

Explanation: The magick command is followed by the path of the input image (path/to/input_image.png) and the desired path of the output image (path/to/output_image.jpg). The command will convert the input image from its original format to the specified format.

Example output: The command magick image.png image.jpg will convert the image.png file to image.jpg.

Use case 2: Resize an image, making a new copy


magick path/to/input_image.jpg -resize 100x100 path/to/output_image.jpg

Motivation: Resizing an image is often necessary to fit specific dimensions or reduce the file size. This use case allows you to resize an image and create a new copy with the desired dimensions.

Explanation: The magick command is followed by the path of the input image (path/to/input_image.jpg). The -resize flag is used to specify the new dimensions (100x100) of the image. Finally, the desired path of the output image (path/to/output_image.jpg) is provided, which will contain the resized copy.

Example output: Running the command magick image.jpg -resize 100x100 output.jpg will create a new image named output.jpg with dimensions of 100x100 pixels based on the original image.jpg.

Use case 3: Create a GIF out of all JPG images in the current directory


magick *.jpg path/to/images.gif

Motivation: This use case is beneficial when you have multiple JPG images that you want to combine into a single animated GIF file.

Explanation: The magick command is followed by *.jpg, which is a wildcard that matches all JPG files in the current directory. The command will gather all the matching files and create an animated GIF named images.gif in the specified path (path/to/).

Example output: Running the command magick *.jpg images.gif will combine all the JPG files in the current directory and generate a single animated GIF named images.gif.

Use case 4: Create a checkerboard pattern


magick -size 640x480 pattern:checkerboard path/to/checkerboard.png

Motivation: Creating a checkerboard pattern can be useful for various purposes, such as graphic design, web development, or as a placeholder image.

Explanation: The magick command is followed by the -size flag, which defines the size of the checkerboard (640x480). The pattern:checkerboard argument specifies the type of pattern to be created. Finally, the path and filename for the output image (path/to/checkerboard.png) are provided.

Example output: The command magick -size 640x480 pattern:checkerboard checkerboard.png will generate a checkerboard pattern image with a size of 640x480 pixels, saved as checkerboard.png.

Use case 5: Create a PDF file out of all JPG images in the current directory


magick *.jpg -adjoin path/to/file.pdf

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a series of JPG images and want to combine them into a single PDF file for easy distribution or printing.

Explanation: The magick command is followed by *.jpg, which matches all JPG files in the current directory. The -adjoin flag is used to combine multiple images into a single file. Finally, the path and filename for the output PDF file (path/to/file.pdf) are provided.

Example output: Running the command magick *.jpg -adjoin file.pdf will merge all the JPG files in the current directory into a PDF file named file.pdf.


The magick command in ImageMagick version 7+ is a versatile tool for image manipulation and conversion. It allows users to convert between image formats, resize images, create animated GIFs, generate patterns, and combine images into PDF files. With these examples, you now have a better understanding of how to utilize the magick command to accomplish various image-related tasks.

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