How to use the command 'magick' (with examples)

How to use the command 'magick' (with examples)

The magick command, part of the ImageMagick software suite, is a potent tool for performing a wide variety of image manipulation tasks. It allows users to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images. This versatile command supports a multitude of image formats and is equipped with powerful features for tasks such as resizing, creating patterns, and converting image formats. This article explores several practical use cases of the magick command, providing examples and explanations to illustrate its capabilities.

Convert between image formats (with examples)


magick path/to/input_image.png path/to/output_image.jpg


Converting images from one format to another is a common need in digital media processing. Different formats have their own strengths, such as PNG’s lossless compression or JPEG’s smaller file size suitable for web use. By converting images, users can optimize for quality, compatibility, or storage space, depending on their specific needs or constraints.


  • path/to/input_image.png: This is the path to the input image file that you want to convert. The image is currently stored in the PNG format.
  • path/to/output_image.jpg: This defines the path to the output image file and specifies that the image should be saved in JPG format after conversion. The file extension indicates the desired output format.

Example output:

An image originally in PNG format is converted and saved as a JPG file, potentially resulting in a smaller file size but with lossy compression effects.

Resize an image, making a new copy (with examples)


magick path/to/input_image.jpg -resize 100x100 path/to/output_image.jpg


Resizing images is essential for maintaining compatibility across different platforms and ensuring that images load quickly on the web. By resizing, users can tailor images to fit specific dimensions required for web pages, social media, or print formats, improving performance and aesthetics.


  • path/to/input_image.jpg: The path to the image file that you wish to resize.
  • -resize 100x100: This argument instructs the command to resize the image, specifying the desired width (100 pixels) and height (100 pixels). The aspect ratio may be altered unless additional options are included.
  • path/to/output_image.jpg: The path where the resized image will be saved, in JPG format.

Example output:

A new image file that is 100x100 pixels in dimension is created, suitable for thumbnails or icons.

Create a GIF out of all JPEG images in the current directory (with examples)


magick *.jpg path/to/images.gif


Creating GIFs from a collection of images can produce engaging visual content, such as animations or slideshows. GIFs are widely used on social media and in messaging to convey messages or tell stories in a compact, dynamic format.


  • *.jpg: A wildcard symbol that selects all JPEG images in the current directory. This allows batch processing of multiple images.
  • path/to/images.gif: Specifies the output file path and name, with “gif” indicating the production of an animated GIF from the input images.

Example output:

A single animated GIF is generated from multiple JPEG images, suitable for sharing on platforms where animations enhance engagement.

Create a checkerboard pattern (with examples)


magick -size 640x480 pattern:checkerboard path/to/checkerboard.png


Creating predefined patterns like checkerboards can be useful for various graphical applications, ranging from testing and calibration of visual displays to creating backgrounds or artistic projects.


  • -size 640x480: This sets the dimensions of the image to a width of 640 pixels and a height of 480 pixels.
  • pattern:checkerboard: Rather than a specific image, this argument uses built-in pattern generation to create a checkerboard design.
  • path/to/checkerboard.png: Specifies the name and format of the output file, saving the generated pattern as a PNG file.

Example output:

A 640x480 pixel image file with a checkerboard pattern is created, which can then be used as a background or for testing image processing algorithms.

Create a PDF file out of all JPEG images in the current directory (with examples)


magick *.jpg -adjoin path/to/file.pdf


Compiling multiple image files into a single PDF document is an efficient way to share collections of images, maintaining order and compatibility for printing or digital distribution. PDFs are widely used and accepted, providing an accessible format for presentations and portfolios.


  • *.jpg: The wildcard selects all JPEG files in the current directory, facilitating the batching of images into one document.
  • -adjoin: This option ensures that all selected images are joined together into a single PDF file.
  • path/to/file.pdf: The output path specifies the name and destination of the PDF document created from the images.

Example output:

A single PDF file containing all chosen JPEG images is created, providing an easy-to-share document format containing multiple images.


The magick command offers a robust set of functionalities for handling images, with applications ranging from format conversion to complex editing tasks. By employing the use cases and explanations provided in this article, users can leverage this tool to efficiently manage and manipulate their image files to meet various needs. Whether you’re seeking to create animations, optimize images, or compile documentation, magick serves as a multifaceted command to enhance your digital imaging workflow.

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