Command Examples for NSIS Compiler (makensis) (with examples)

Command Examples for NSIS Compiler (makensis) (with examples)

Example 1: Compile a NSIS script

makensis path/to/file.nsi


This command is used to compile a NSIS script file into a Windows installer executable. Compiling the script is necessary to generate the installer that can be distributed and executed on Windows systems.


  • makensis: This is the command to invoke the NSIS compiler.
  • path/to/file.nsi: This argument specifies the path to the NSIS script file. Replace “path/to/file.nsi” with the actual path to your script file.

Example Output:

Running the above command will compile the NSIS script file located at the specified path. Upon successful compilation, an executable Windows installer will be generated based on the instructions defined in the script file.

Example 2: Compile a NSIS script in strict mode

makensis -WX path/to/file.nsi


Using strict mode (treating warnings as errors) during compilation ensures that potential issues and warnings in the script are identified and addressed. This can help in producing more reliable and robust installer executables.


  • makensis: Same as in the previous example.
  • -WX: This option enables strict mode which treats any warnings encountered during compilation as errors.

Example Output:

When the NSIS script is compiled using this command with strict mode enabled, any warnings found in the script will be treated as errors. This will cause the compilation to fail if there are any warnings, ensuring that the script is free from potential issues that could adversely affect the installation process.

Example 3: Print help for a specific command

makensis -CMDHELP command


Printing help for a specific command provides detailed information and usage instructions, making it easier to understand the available options and arguments for the NSIS compiler.


  • makensis: Same as in the previous examples.
  • -CMDHELP command: This option is used to specify the NSIS command for which you want to retrieve help. Replace “command” with the actual NSIS command for which you need assistance.

Example Output:

Executing this command with a specific NSIS command specified will print detailed information about that command, including its usage, possible options, and any arguments it may accept. This can be particularly helpful when exploring new NSIS commands or when unsure about the correct syntax and usage of a command.

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