How to use the command makepasswd (with examples)

How to use the command makepasswd (with examples)

Makepasswd is a command that generates and encrypts passwords. It is a useful tool for creating strong passwords with various customizations.

Use case 1: Generate a random password (8 to 10 characters long, containing letters and numbers)



Motivation: Generating a random password is essential for securing accounts and sensitive information. By using the makepasswd command without any arguments, a password with a length between 8 and 10 characters, containing both letters and numbers, will be generated.

Explanation: With no additional arguments, the makepasswd command will create a random password using lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers. The password length will be between 8 and 10 characters.

Example output:


Use case 2: Generate a 10 characters long password


makepasswd --chars 10

Motivation: Sometimes, there is a need to generate a password with a fixed length. This can be useful when working with systems or applications that require specific password lengths.

Explanation: By using the --chars option followed by a number, the makepasswd command will generate a password with the specified number of characters. In this case, we specify 10 characters.

Example output:


Use case 3: Generate a 5 to 10 characters long password


makepasswd --minchars 5 --maxchars 10

Motivation: Flexibility in password length is often desired. Generating a password with a minimum and maximum length allows users to find a balance between security and convenience.

Explanation: The --minchars and --maxchars options allow us to specify the minimum and maximum length for the generated password, respectively. In this case, we choose a password length between 5 and 10 characters.

Example output:


Use case 4: Generate a password containing only the characters “b”, “a” or “r”


makepasswd --string bar

Motivation: Sometimes, there may be requirements for passwords to contain specific characters or patterns. This use case demonstrates generating a password with specific characters.

Explanation: The --string option followed by a string of characters restricts the possible characters for the generated password to the provided string. In this case, we specify the characters “b”, “a”, and “r”.

Example output:



The makepasswd command is a versatile tool for generating and encrypting passwords. It offers various options to customize the generated passwords, such as length and character restrictions. By utilizing these options, users can create strong and secure passwords tailored to their specific requirements.

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