How to use the command 'mas' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mas' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The mas command-line interface is a useful tool for managing applications on the Mac App Store. It allows users to sign in to the Mac App Store, list installed applications, search for applications, install or update applications, and install pending updates.

Use case 1: Sign into the Mac App Store for the first time


mas signin ""

Motivation: Signing into the Mac App Store using the mas command is necessary in order to access certain features and perform actions such as installing or updating applications.

Explanation: The mas signin command is used to sign in to the Mac App Store. The email address associated with the App Store account is provided as an argument.

Example output:

👤 Signing in to App Store account ""...

Use case 2: Show all installed applications and their product identifiers


mas list

Motivation: Listing all installed applications and their product identifiers can help users keep track of the applications they have installed and their corresponding identification numbers.

Explanation: The mas list command displays a list of all installed applications on the Mac, along with their corresponding product identifiers.

Example output:

123456789   Xcode   (11.3)
987654321   Pages   (10.2)

Use case 3: Search for an application, displaying the price alongside the results


mas search "application" --price

Motivation: Searching for an application using the mas command is helpful to find specific applications and obtain information such as the price of the application.

Explanation: The mas search command is used to search for an application on the Mac App Store. By adding the --price flag, the command also displays the price of each application in the search results.

Example output:

123456789   "Application One"   $9.99
987654321   "Application Two"   $4.99

Use case 4: Install or update an application


mas install product_identifier

Motivation: Installing or updating an application using the mas command allows users to manage their applications without needing to open the App Store manually.

Explanation: The mas install command is used to install or update an application on the Mac. The product identifier of the application needs to be provided as an argument.

Example output:

📦 Installing "Application One" (Version 1.0)

Use case 5: Install all pending updates


mas upgrade

Motivation: Installing pending updates using the mas command is convenient and saves time by automatically updating all installed applications.

Explanation: The mas upgrade command is used to install all pending updates for the installed applications on the Mac.

Example output:

🛠️ Upgrading "Application One"...
🛠️ Upgrading "Application Two"...
All updates have been installed.


The mas command-line interface provides a convenient way to manage applications on the Mac App Store. Whether it is signing in, listing installed applications, searching for applications, installing or updating applications, or installing pending updates, the mas command simplifies the process of managing applications and saves time for users.

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