How to use the command mate-calc (with examples)

How to use the command mate-calc (with examples)

The command mate-calc is used to start the calculator in the MATE desktop environment. It allows users to perform mathematical calculations and solve expressions.

Use case 1: Starting the calculator



Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how to start the calculator using the mate-calc command.

Explanation: The mate-calc command is used to start the calculator in the MATE desktop environment. When the command is executed without any arguments, it launches the calculator application.

Example output: The calculator application is launched and the user can start performing mathematical calculations.

Use case 2: Calculating a specific mathematic expression


mate-calc --solve 2 + 5

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to demonstrate how to use the --solve option to calculate a specific mathematical expression.

Explanation: The --solve option is used to specify a mathematical expression that needs to be calculated. In this example, the expression 2 + 5 is passed as an argument to the --solve option, and the calculator calculates the result of the expression.

Example output: The calculator displays the result of the expression 2 + 5, which is 7.


In this article, we have explored the various use cases of the mate-calc command. We have seen how to start the calculator using the command mate-calc, and how to calculate a specific mathematical expression using the --solve option. The mate-calc command is a useful tool for performing calculations in the MATE desktop environment.

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