How to Use the Command 'mate-dictionary' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'mate-dictionary' (with examples)

The ‘mate-dictionary’ is a versatile command-line tool designed for looking up words and finding their definitions or similar words in dictionaries. It is particularly useful for individuals, such as writers, editors, students, or language enthusiasts, who want quick access to word information without the need for a graphical user interface. This command can be seamlessly integrated into scripts or used solo for quick inquiries, making it a powerful tool for enhancing vocabulary and language comprehension.

Use case 1: Print a specific word definition


mate-dictionary --no-window --look-up 'inquisitive'


Imagine you are writing an article and stumble upon the word “inquisitive.” You’re unsure of its exact meaning in the context you’re using it. Instead of opening a web browser or a dedicated dictionary application, you want a quick and efficient way to find the definition directly from the command line without interrupting your workflow.


  • mate-dictionary: Invokes the mate-dictionary command-line tool to perform dictionary queries.
  • --no-window: This option ensures that the operation is performed entirely in the command line interface, without opening an additional window. It is ideal for users who want results displayed directly in their terminal.
  • --look-up 'inquisitive': The --look-up argument specifies the action to search for the definition of the word ‘inquisitive.’ This needs to be followed by the word you are interested in, enclosed in quotes to ensure proper handling of the string during execution.

Example Output:

inquistive (adj.)
1. given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge; intellectually curious.

This output provides the precise definition of ‘inquisitive’ from the available dictionaries configured in mate-dictionary, enabling the user to understand the term accurately in the context needed.

Use case 2: Show similar words for a specific one in a new window


mate-dictionary --match 'happy'


Let’s say you are drafting a creative piece or simply looking to expand your vocabulary with synonyms for the commonly used word “happy.” You desire an engaging way to explore similar words to diversify your writing style. Using mate-dictionary with a simple command, you can achieve this easily without manually browsing through thesauruses.


  • mate-dictionary: This command initializes the tool that handles word look-up operations.
  • --match 'happy': The --match argument allows the user to query the dictionary for words that are similar to ‘happy.’ The word is enclosed in quotes to treat it as a single string.

Unlike the --no-window option, this particular command will pop up a new window that lists similar words, allowing for a more interactive and visual exploration of synonyms.

Example Output:

A new window appears on your desktop displaying similar words such as: “joyful,” “pleased,” “content,” “cheerful,” “delighted,” among others. You can now visually browse through these options and enhance your writing or vocabulary knowledge.


The ‘mate-dictionary’ serves as a compact yet comprehensive tool for anyone needing rapid access to word definitions or synonyms straight from the command line. Whether you are seeking the precise meaning of a word or exploring alternatives to enrich your language, this utility offers a streamlined solution tailored for efficiency and accessibility. By utilizing the two main functionalities explored above, users can greatly benefit from improved literacy and linguistic variety at their fingertips, all without breaking the flow of their tasks.

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