How to use the command 'mate' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mate' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘mate’ command is a general-purpose text editor for macOS. It can be used to open and edit files, specify filetypes, and navigate to specific lines and columns within a file.

Use case 1: Start TextMate



Motivation: This use case is used to simply start the TextMate editor.

Explanation: The ‘mate’ command with no arguments opens TextMate.

Example output:

TextMate is launched and ready for editing.

Use case 2: Open specific files


mate path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

Motivation: This use case is used to open one or more specific files in TextMate.

Explanation: The ‘mate’ command followed by the path to one or more files opens each file in separate tabs in TextMate.

Example output:

TextMate opens the specified files in separate tabs.

Use case 3: Specify the filetype of a file


mate --type filetype path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is used to specify the filetype of a particular file.

Explanation: The ‘mate’ command with the ‘–type’ option followed by the desired filetype and the path to the file opens the file in TextMate with the specified filetype.

Example output:

TextMate opens the file with the specified filetype.

Use case 4: Open and wait until finished editing a specific file


mate --wait path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is used when it is necessary to open a specific file in TextMate and wait until the editing is finished.

Explanation: The ‘mate’ command with the ‘–wait’ option followed by the path to the file opens the file in TextMate and waits until the file is closed in TextMate before continuing.

Example output:

TextMate opens the file and waits until the file is closed.

Use case 5: Open a file with the cursor at a specific line and column


mate --line line_number:column_number path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is used to open a specific file in TextMate with the cursor positioned at a specific line and column.

Explanation: The ‘mate’ command with the ‘–line’ option followed by the desired line number, a colon, the desired column number, and the path to the file opens the file in TextMate with the cursor positioned at the specified line and column.

Example output:

TextMate opens the file with the cursor positioned at the specified line and column.


The ‘mate’ command provides a convenient way to open, edit, and navigate within files using the TextMate editor on macOS. By understanding the different use cases and their corresponding command syntax, users can take full advantage of the functionality provided by the ‘mate’ command.

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