How to Use the Command 'maza' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'maza' (with Examples)

Maza is a local ad blocker designed to function similarly to Pi-hole but operates locally on your operating system. It empowers users to improve their browsing experience by blocking ads directly through their operating system. With Maza, advertisements are intercepted before they reach your browser, creating a cleaner, faster online experience. It is a useful tool for individuals looking to enhance privacy and speed while browsing the internet without resorting to browser-specific ad blockers.

Use case 1: Updating the Maza Database


maza update


Updating the Maza database is an essential task for maintaining the effectiveness of your ad blocker. Like any cybersecurity measure, the ability of an ad blocker to intercept ads relies on up-to-date information about advertising domains and servers. By updating the Maza database, you ensure that your system remains vigilant against the latest advertising strategies and evolving ad networks. Keeping the database current helps to improve the performance of your ad blocker by making sure it catches as many ads as possible.


The command maza update is used to refresh the database of domains that Maza uses to block ads. In this context, “update” doesn’t take any additional arguments because it performs a straightforward task of pulling new data and ensuring your local database matches the most current version available from the developers and maintainers of Maza.

Example Output:

After you run the command maza update, you might see a terminal output similar to the following:

Updating blocklist...
Blocklist updated successfully.
Number of blocked domains: 100,453

This output confirms that the database has been updated and displays the total number of domains now being blocked, giving you an immediate view into how extensive your ad blocking capabilities are.

Use case 2: Starting Maza


sudo maza start


To begin blocking ads on your system, you must start the Maza service. Initiating Maza is crucial when you first install the tool or after any updates. This command activates the ad-blocking functionality, allowing Maza to intercept unwanted content and enhance your browsing experience by preventing ads from loading and being displayed.


The sudo prefix is used to execute the command with superuser privileges, which is required because starting a service that interacts with system processes usually needs administrative rights. The maza start command initiates the Maza service, enabling its ad-blocking features. The absence of additional arguments in this command signifies that it is performing a default action of starting the service without any custom configurations at this point.

Example Output:

Executing the command will typically produce output like:

Starting maza service...
Maza is now running, blocking 100,453 domains.

This output confirms that Maza is actively running and reminds you of the number of domains currently being blocked, which should match the number indicated after your last update.

Use case 3: Stopping Maza


sudo maza stop


At times, you may want to halt Maza, perhaps to troubleshoot network issues or temporarily allow ads for testing specific site functionalities. Stopping the service is straightforward, allowing users to quickly disable the ad blocker’s functions without uninstalling the tool or altering any configuration files.


Once again, the sudo prefix grants the necessary administrative permissions to stop a system-level service. This action is imperative as ad-blocking can interfere with certain site operations or network tasks. The command maza stop explicitly tells the operating system to cease all operations related to Maza, effectively disabling its ad-blocking capabilities.

Example Output:

The output upon running this command might look like:

Stopping maza service...
Maza has been stopped.

This clear message indicates that the service has been successfully terminated, and Maza is no longer intercepting traffic on your system.

Use case 4: Showing the Status of Maza


maza status


It is crucial to check the status of the Maza service to ensure it is running correctly or to diagnose potential issues. By querying the service’s status, you receive immediate feedback on whether the ad blocker is active and operational. This can assist in resolving connectivity problems or verifying that the ad blocker is actively filtering unwanted content.


The command maza status is used to query Maza’s current status without requiring administrative privileges because it’s merely accessing information and not altering any system configurations. This command provides insights into whether Maza is active or inactive and may include additional details about its operations, which can be vital for troubleshooting or system performance assessments.

Example Output:

Upon execution, the output could be something like:

Maza is running.
Blocking: 100,453 domains.
Last updated: 2023-10-21

This output not only confirms that Maza is operational but also offers crucial statistics regarding the number of blocked domains and the last update date, helping users verify that everything is functioning optimally.


The Maza tool is a powerful local ad blocker that operates at the system level, similar to Pi-hole, but is more straightforward to set up on individual machines. By following these examples—updating the database, starting and stopping the service, and checking its status—you can maximize the efficacy of Maza in maintaining an ad-free browsing experience. Keeping the Maza tool running ensures that your online sessions are cleaner and faster, free from intrusive advertisements, and that your privacy is safeguarded against unwanted tracking mechanisms.

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