How to use the command 'mc' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mc' (with examples)

Midnight Commander is a terminal-based file manager that allows users to navigate the directory structure using arrow keys, the mouse, or by typing commands into the terminal. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing files and directories.

Use case 1: Start Midnight Commander



Motivation: Starting Midnight Commander is the basic use case, allowing users to open the file manager and start utilizing its features. It provides a graphical user interface within the terminal to navigate and manage files efficiently.

Explanation: By simply typing mc in the terminal, Midnight Commander is launched, and the user is presented with the file manager interface. This allows users to utilize the mouse, arrow keys, and various keyboard shortcuts to navigate and perform operations on files and directories.

Example output: The Midnight Commander interface is displayed with the current directory selected, and the files and directories within it are visible in the panels.

Use case 2: Start Midnight Commander in black and white


mc -b

Motivation: Starting Midnight Commander in black and white can be useful when working on terminals with limited color support or when dealing with monochrome displays. It provides a simplified interface without any color distractions.

Explanation: By adding the -b option after the mc command, Midnight Commander starts in black and white mode. This mode removes all colors from the interface, making it easier to read and navigate for users who prefer or require a monochromatic display.

Example output: The Midnight Commander interface is displayed without any colors, using the default black and white scheme. This mode allows users to navigate and manage files effectively without any color distractions.


Midnight Commander is a versatile terminal-based file manager that allows users to navigate and manage files efficiently. With its intuitive interface and various customization options, it provides a user-friendly experience for file management tasks. Whether used in its default mode or customized for specific preferences, Midnight Commander proves to be a powerful tool for working with files and directories within the terminal environment.

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