How to use the command 'mcs' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mcs' (with examples)

The ‘mcs’ command is the Mono C# Compiler. It is used to compile C# source files into executable or library files. It is a command-line tool that allows developers to build C# code on platforms other than Windows.

Use case 1: Compile the specified files


mcs path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...

Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to compile specific C# source files into executable or library files. This allows developers to build and run their C# code on platforms supported by Mono.

Explanation: The ‘mcs’ command is followed by the paths of the C# source files that need to be compiled. These files can be specified one after the other, separated by spaces.

Example output: If the compilation is successful, this use case will create an executable file named ‘a.out’ in the current directory.

Use case 2: Specify the output program name


mcs -out:path/to/file.exe path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...

Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to specify a custom name for the output executable file. This can be useful when you want to give your executable a meaningful and descriptive name.

Explanation: The ‘-out’ option followed by the path specifies the name and location of the output executable file. The path can be absolute or relative. The ‘mcs’ command is followed by the paths of the C# source files that need to be compiled.

Example output: If the compilation is successful, this use case will create an executable file named ‘file.exe’ in the specified path.

Use case 3: Specify the output program type


mcs -target:exe|winexe|library|module path/to/input_file1.cs path/to/input_file2.cs ...

Motivation: The motivation behind this use case is to specify the type of output program. Different types allow you to create different outputs - executable, Windows executable, library, or module. This flexibility helps developers build C# code for different purposes.

Explanation: The ‘-target’ option followed by the type (exe, winexe, library, or module) specifies the output program type. The ‘mcs’ command is followed by the paths of the C# source files that need to be compiled.

Example output: If the compilation is successful, this use case will create the specified type of output program (exe, winexe, library, or module).


The ‘mcs’ command is a versatile tool for compiling C# code using the Mono C# Compiler. It allows developers to build C# applications on platforms other than Windows. By using the different options of the command, developers can specify the output program name, type, and compile specific C# source files.

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