How to use the command mdp (with examples)

How to use the command mdp (with examples)

The mdp command is a useful tool for creating presentations from Markdown files. It allows users to easily create and present slides in a terminal environment. The command provides various options to customize the presentation, such as disabling fading transitions, inverting font colors, and disabling transparency.

Use case 1: Launch a presentation in the terminal from a Markdown file



Motivation: This use case is the most basic one and allows users to directly launch a presentation from a Markdown file. It is useful when you want to present a slideshow in a terminal environment without any special customization.

Explanation: The command mdp is followed by the name of the Markdown file ( in this example). This will start the presentation and display the slides in the terminal.

Example output: The contents of the Markdown file will be parsed and displayed as slides in the terminal, allowing you to navigate through them using keyboard controls.

Use case 2: Disable fading transitions


mdp --nofade

Motivation: Fading transitions between slides can sometimes be distracting or unnecessary. By disabling fading transitions, users can have a smoother presentation experience.

Explanation: The --nofade option is used to disable fading transitions. When this option is added to the command, the slides will transition instantly without any fading effects.

Example output: The slides will change instantaneously without any fade-in or fade-out effects.

Use case 3: Invert font colors to use in terminals with light background


mdp --invert

Motivation: Inverting font colors can be helpful when presenting in terminals with light backgrounds. It ensures that the text is visible and readable even in bright environments.

Explanation: The --invert option is used to invert the font colors. When this option is added to the command, the text will be displayed with inverted colors, making it stand out against a light background.

Example output: The text will be displayed with inverted colors, where dark text will be shown on a light background.

Use case 4: Disable transparency in transparent terminals


mdp --notrans

Motivation: Transparent terminals can sometimes cause visibility issues when presenting slides. Disabling transparency ensures that the slides are clearly visible without any interference from the underlying terminal interface.

Explanation: The --notrans option is used to disable transparency. When this option is added to the command, the slides will be displayed without any transparency effects.

Example output: The slides will be displayed with solid colors, without any transparency, providing a clear view of the content.


The mdp command is a powerful tool for creating and delivering presentations from Markdown files in a terminal environment. With its various options, users can customize the presentation by disabling fading transitions, inverting font colors, and disabling transparency. Whether you need a simple and straightforward presentation or want to customize the visual aspects, the mdp command has got you covered.

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