How to use the command mesg (with examples)

How to use the command mesg (with examples)

The mesg command is used to check or set a terminal’s ability to receive messages from other users, usually from the write command. It allows users to control whether they want to receive messages from other users or not.

Use case 1: Check terminal’s openness to write messages



Motivation: By using this command, users can check if their terminal is configured to receive messages from other users using the write command. This can be useful to ensure that they are able to communicate with other users on the same network or system.

Explanation: This command simply checks the current status of the terminal’s ability to receive messages. It does not require any arguments.

Example output:

is y

In this example, the output is y indicates that the terminal is currently configured to receive messages from other users.

Use case 2: Disable receiving messages from the write command


mesg n

Motivation: There may be situations where users do not want to receive messages from other users. Disabling the ability to receive messages can ensure that the user can focus on their tasks without being interrupted by incoming messages.

Explanation: The n argument is used with the mesg command to disable receiving messages from the write command.

Example output:

is n

In this example, the output is n indicates that the terminal has been configured to not receive messages from other users.

Use case 3: Enable receiving messages from the write command


mesg y

Motivation: In contrast to the previous use case, there may be times when users want to enable the ability to receive messages from other users. This can be necessary for effective communication and collaboration within a network or system.

Explanation: The y argument is used with the mesg command to enable receiving messages from the write command.

Example output:

is y

In this example, the output is y indicates that the terminal has been configured to receive messages from other users.


The mesg command provides a simple way to check and control a terminal’s ability to receive messages from other users. By using this command, users can ensure effective communication and collaboration within a network or system.

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