Utilizing the Command 'meshlabserver' for 3D Mesh Processing (with examples)

Utilizing the Command 'meshlabserver' for 3D Mesh Processing (with examples)

MeshLab is a powerful open-source system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes. The meshlabserver command provides a command-line interface to execute MeshLab operations without the graphical user interface. This can be beneficial for automating mesh processing tasks, like conversions or applying filters on multiple files in a repeatable manner. Let’s explore various use cases of the meshlabserver command and how it can efficiently handle different scenarios of 3D file manipulations.

Use case 1: Converting an STL File to an OBJ File


meshlabserver -i input.stl -o output.obj


STL files are widely used in 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD) because of their simplicity and importer availability. However, OBJ files, which can store 3D vertex geometry and more complex shading information, might be required for rendering or further editing in sophisticated 3D modeling tools. Converting an STL to an OBJ can ensure compatibility and leverage the additional features of OBJ files.


  • -i input.stl: This argument specifies the input file. Here, we are using an STL file named input.stl.
  • -o output.obj: This specifies the output file. It denotes that the converted 3D model will be saved as an OBJ file named output.obj.

Example Output:

Running this command will output an OBJ file that represents the same 3D geometry as the original STL file. The converted file can now be used in applications that support OBJ format for enhanced editing and rendering.

Use case 2: Converting a WRL File to an OFF File, Including Normals


meshlabserver -i input.wrl -o output.off -om vn fn


WRL, also known as VRML, is used for representing 3D interactive graphics. Converting WRL to OFF, a format commonly employed for straightforward geometry processing tasks, can make it easier for algorithmic manipulation. Saving vertex (vn) and face (fn) normals adds detailed information about the geometry’s surface, which is essential for rendering tasks that need smooth shading.


  • -i input.wrl: Indicates the input file that is in VRML format.
  • -o output.off: Specifies that the output file should be saved in the OFF format.
  • -om vn fn: Options to export with vertex normals (vn) and face normals (fn), adding essential details for correctly rendering the mesh.

Example Output:

After execution, the program will produce an OFF file that includes vertex and face normals. This file will be suitable for tasks requiring detailed surface information in simpler application contexts.

Use case 3: Dumping a List of All Available Processing Filters


meshlabserver -d path/to/file


Being aware of all processing filters available in MeshLab is beneficial for selecting appropriate tools when applying transformations or cleaning meshes. Dumping this list to a file allows users to search, document, or understand available operations, especially when setting up automated processes or scripts.


  • -d path/to/file: The -d option is used to specify the file path where the list of available processing filters will be saved. This is useful for referencing available operations outside the MeshLab GUI.

Example Output:

Running this command will save a file containing a comprehensive list of all filters that can be utilized in processing tasks. Users can then explore this list to understand the capabilities of MeshLab filters.

Use case 4: Processing a 3D File Using a Filter Script


meshlabserver -i input.ply -o output.ply -s filter_script.mlx


When a specific sequence of operations needs to be repeated across multiple meshes, automation becomes crucial. By executing a previously created filter script, the command allows batch processing or automation of the same operations across different files, thereby improving efficiency and consistency.


  • -i input.ply: Denotes the input file to process, in this case, a PLY file.
  • -o output.ply: Specifies that the output will also be a PLY file, assuming the same format as input post-processing.
  • -s filter_script.mlx: This option specifies a path to a filter script (filter_script.mlx) created within the MeshLab GUI that contains a sequence of processing operations to apply on the mesh.

Example Output:

Executing this command will process the input PLY file as per the instructions specified in filter_script.mlx, resulting in an output PLY file with transformed geometry or altered attributes.

Use case 5: Processing a 3D File Using a Filter Script and Logging the Output


meshlabserver -i input.x3d -o output.x3d -s filter_script.mlx -l logfile


Using logs in automated processes is a best practice for monitoring execution, debugging, or auditing purposes. By logging the output, users can verify changes applied, detect errors, and maintain records of mesh manipulation operations executed through scripts.


  • -i input.x3d: Defines the input file format as an X3D file.
  • -o output.x3d: Output file is also in the X3D format, reflecting the processed geometry from the input.
  • -s filter_script.mlx: Similar to the previous use case, this applies a sequence of operations defined in a script.
  • -l logfile: This option specifies the creation of a log file to capture processing details or errors during the operation.

Example Output:

The process results in an X3D output file altered as per the filter script instructions, accompanied by a log file that documents the operations and can be reviewed for process validation or troubleshooting purposes.


The power of meshlabserver lies in its command-line efficiency to automate complex 3D mesh processing tasks while bypassing the need for a graphical interface. This utility enables users to convert file formats, apply detailed adjustments, document processing filters, and maintain robust reporting through logging, epitomizing automated excellence in 3D mesh workflows.

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