How to use the command mh_lint (with examples)

How to use the command mh_lint (with examples)

The command mh_lint is a tool used to find bugs in MATLAB or Octave code. It is important to note that this tool is not completely accurate or comprehensive, but it can still be valuable in identifying potential errors or issues in code.

Use case 1: Check the current directory



Motivation: It is a common practice to check the current directory for any bugs or errors. By running mh_lint without any arguments, it will analyze all MATLAB and Octave files present in the current directory.

Explanation: The command mh_lint without any arguments is used to check the current directory. It will search for MATLAB and Octave files in the current directory and check them for potential bugs or issues.

Example output:

Checking the current directory for MATLAB and Octave files...
Analyzing file1.m... No bugs found.
Analyzing file2.m... Potential issue found on line 10.

Potential Issue: Unused variable 'x' found.

Analyzing file3.m... No bugs found.

Use case 2: Check a specific directory recursively


mh_lint path/to/directory

Motivation: Sometimes, it is necessary to check a specific directory and its subdirectories recursively. This can be useful when working on a larger project with multiple directories and files.

Explanation: The command mh_lint followed by the path to a directory is used to check that specific directory and its subdirectories. It will search for MATLAB and Octave files in the specified directory and its subdirectories and analyze them for potential bugs or issues.

Example output:

Checking path/to/directory and its subdirectories for MATLAB and Octave files...
Analyzing path/to/directory/file1.m... No bugs found.
Analyzing path/to/directory/subdirectory/file2.m... No bugs found.
Analyzing path/to/directory/subdirectory/file3.m... Potential issue found on line 20.

Potential Issue: Undefined variable 'x' found.

Analyzing path/to/directory/file4.m... No bugs found.

Use case 3: Check a MATLAB file


mh_lint path/to/file.m

Motivation: It is often necessary to analyze a specific MATLAB file for bugs or issues. This can be useful when you want to focus on a particular file or when you suspect there might be a problem in a specific file.

Explanation: The command mh_lint followed by the path to a MATLAB file is used to check that specific file. It will analyze the specified MATLAB file for potential bugs or issues.

Example output:

Analyzing path/to/file.m... Potential issue found on line 15.

Potential Issue: Variable 'x' might be uninitialized.

Analyzing path/to/file.m... No bugs found.

Use case 4: Check an Octave file


mh_lint --octave path/to/file.m

Motivation: If you are working with Octave code specifically, you can use the --octave flag to ensure that the analysis is tailored to Octave syntax and behavior.

Explanation: The command mh_lint --octave followed by the path to an Octave file is used to check that specific file. It will analyze the specified Octave file for potential bugs or issues, taking into account Octave syntax and behavior.

Example output:

Analyzing path/to/file.m... No bugs found.


The mh_lint command is a helpful tool when working with MATLAB or Octave code. It can be used to analyze the current directory, specific directories, or individual files for bugs or issues. By using specific arguments and flags, it can be tailored to MATLAB or Octave syntax and behavior. However, it is important to note that this tool is not completely accurate or comprehensive, so manual code review and testing are also necessary to ensure the quality and reliability of the code.

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