Editing Audio Tags with mid3v2 (with examples)

Editing Audio Tags with mid3v2 (with examples)

The mid3v2 command is a powerful tool for editing the tags of audio files in the ID3v2 format. It allows you to modify metadata such as artist, album, genre, and more. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the mid3v2 command and provide code examples for each use case.

1: Listing Supported ID3v2 Frames and Meanings

The id3v2 --list-frames command is used to list all the supported ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4 frames along with their meanings. This can be useful when you want to understand the available metadata options for your audio files.

id3v2 --list-frames path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, etc. are the paths of the audio files you want to list the frames for.

Motivation: This command helps you to explore the available frames and their meanings, allowing you to better understand the metadata options for your audio files.


  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to list the ID3v2 frames.

Example Output:

Supported ID3v2.3 frames:
TALB (Album/Movie/Show title)

2: Listing Supported ID3v1 Numeric Genres

The id3v2 --list-genres command allows you to list all the supported ID3v1 numeric genres. This can be helpful when you want to set or update the genre of your audio files using the numeric ID.

id3v2 --list-genres path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, etc. are the paths of the audio files you want to list the genres for.

Motivation: This command helps you to find the numeric ID associated with the genre you want to set for your audio files, making it easier to update the genre metadata.


  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to list the ID3v1 numeric genres.

Example Output:

Supported ID3v1 numeric genres:
0: Blues

3: Listing Tags in Specific Files

The id3v2 --list command allows you to list all the tags present in specific audio files. This can be useful when you want to view the existing metadata of your audio files.

id3v2 --list path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, etc. are the paths of the audio files you want to list the tags for.

Motivation: This command helps you to quickly view the existing metadata of your audio files, allowing you to identify the tags you might want to modify or update.


  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to list the tags.

Example Output:

Tags in path/to/file1.mp3:
- Artist: John Doe
- Album: Best Hits

4: Setting Artist, Album, or Song Information

The id3v2 --artist, id3v2 --album, and id3v2 --song commands allow you to set specific information for the artist, album, or song of your audio files, respectively.

id3v2 --artist|--album|--song=string path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

string is the new value you want to set for the artist, album, or song metadata.

Motivation: This command allows you to update the artist, album, or song information of your audio files. It can be useful when you want to correct or modify the metadata to ensure accurate identification and organization of your music library.


  • string: The new value you want to set for the artist, album, or song metadata.
  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to set the artist, album, or song information.

Example Output:

Updated artist information for path/to/file1.mp3.

5: Setting Picture Information

The id3v2 --picture command allows you to set specific picture information for your audio files. This can be useful when you want to associate album covers or other images with your music files.

id3v2 --picture=filename:description:image_type:mime_type path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

filename is the path to the image file you want to set as the picture. description is a description or comment for the picture. image_type is the picture type, such as “Cover (front)” or “Artist logo”. mime_type is the MIME type of the image file.

Motivation: This command enables you to add visual elements to your audio files, enhancing the user experience when browsing or playing music. It allows you to display album covers or other images that are relevant to your music.


  • filename: The path to the image file you want to set as the picture.
  • description: A description or comment for the picture.
  • image_type: The picture type, such as “Cover (front)” or “Artist logo”.
  • mime_type: The MIME type of the image file.
  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to set the picture information.

Example Output:

Set picture information for path/to/file1.mp3.

6: Setting Year Information

The id3v2 --year command allows you to set specific year information for your audio files. This can be useful when you want to update the release year of albums or songs.

id3v2 --year=YYYY path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

YYYY is the four-digit year you want to set.

Motivation: This command allows you to correct or update the year information of your audio files. It ensures accurate categorization and organization of music based on their release year.


  • YYYY: The four-digit year you want to set.
  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to set the year information.

Example Output:

Updated year information for path/to/file1.mp3.

7: Setting Date Information

The id3v2 --date command allows you to set specific date information for your audio files. This can be useful when you want to associate a specific date with albums or songs.

id3v2 --date=YYYY-MM-DD path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...

YYYY-MM-DD is the date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” you want to set.

Motivation: This command enables you to add a specific date to your audio files. It can be useful for associating a release date, recording date, or any other significant date to your music.


  • YYYY-MM-DD: The date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” you want to set.
  • path/to/file1.mp3, path/to/file2.mp3, …: The paths of the audio files for which you want to set the date information.

Example Output:

Set date information for path/to/file1.mp3.


The mid3v2 command provides a wide range of functionalities for editing audio tags in ID3v2 format. Whether you want to view existing metadata, modify specific information, or add visual elements to your audio files, the mid3v2 command has you covered. By using the code examples provided in this article, you can easily leverage the power of mid3v2 to organize and customize your music library.

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