How to use the command minetest (with examples)

How to use the command minetest (with examples)

Minetest is a multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox game. It can be started in both client and server modes. The minetest command-line tool allows users to start the game and configure various settings.

Use case 1: Start Minetest in client mode




By running the minetest command without any arguments, the game will start in client mode. This allows the user to play the game locally on their computer.


When the minetest command is executed without any arguments, the game starts in client mode. This means that the user will be able to explore and interact with the game world as a player. They can join multiplayer servers or play in single-player mode.

Example output:

The game window will open, and the user will be able to see the game world and interact with it.

Use case 2: Start Minetest in server mode by hosting a specific world


minetest --server --world name


Running Minetest in server mode allows users to host their own game world and invite others to join. This can be useful for creating custom game experiences or playing with friends.


By using the --server flag along with the --world option, Minetest will start in server mode and host a specific world. The name argument should be replaced with the desired name of the world.

Example output:

The server will start hosting the specified world, and other players will be able to connect to it.

Use case 3: Write logs to a specific file


minetest --logfile path/to/file


Writing logs to a specific file can be useful for troubleshooting issues or analyzing game data. By specifying a file path, users can easily redirect and store the game logs in a desired location.


The --logfile option allows users to specify a file path to write the game logs. By providing the path/to/file argument, the game will write the logs to the specified file.

Example output:

The game logs will be written to the specified file at the provided file path.

Use case 4: Only write errors to the console


minetest --quiet


When developing or running Minetest in certain environments, it may be beneficial to only display error messages in the console output. This can help streamline the console output and focus on critical information.


By using the --quiet flag, Minetest will only print error messages to the console. All other informational messages and logs will be suppressed.

Example output:

Only error messages will be displayed in the console output, while other informational messages will be omitted.


The minetest command provides various options for starting and configuring the Minetest game. By familiarizing yourself with these use cases, you can effectively utilize the command to suit your specific needs. Whether you want to play locally, host a server, or customize logging behavior, the command provides the necessary tools.

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