How to use the command minetestserver (with examples)

How to use the command minetestserver (with examples)

The minetestserver command is a command-line tool used to start a multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox server. It allows users to create and manage game worlds and specify various parameters for the server.

Use case 1: Start the server



Motivation: Starting the server is the first step in creating a multiplayer game world. This command allows users to easily launch the server and begin playing with others.

Explanation: This command starts the minetest server with the default configuration settings.

Example output:

Server started. Listening on [::]:30000.

Use case 2: List available worlds


minetestserver --world list

Motivation: This command allows users to see a list of all available game worlds on the server. It can be useful to check the status of existing worlds or to choose which world to load.

Explanation: The --world list argument lists all available game worlds on the server.

Example output:

Available worlds:
- world1
- world2
- world3

Use case 3: Specify the world name to load


minetestserver --world world_name

Motivation: This command allows users to specify a specific game world to load when starting the server. It is useful when users want to load a particular world instead of the default one.

Explanation: The --world world_name argument specifies the name of the game world to load.

Example output:

Loading world: world_name
Server started. Listening on [::]:30000.

Use case 4: List the available game IDs


minetestserver --gameid list

Motivation: This command provides users with a list of all available game IDs on the server. Game IDs represent different game modes or configurations that can be used when starting the server.

Explanation: The --gameid list argument lists all available game IDs on the server.

Example output:

Available game IDs:
- default
- creative
- survival

Use case 5: Specify a game to use


minetestserver --gameid game_id

Motivation: This command allows users to specify a specific game ID to use when starting the server. Different game IDs represent different game modes or configurations, providing users with various gameplay options.

Explanation: The --gameid game_id argument specifies the game ID to use when starting the server.

Example output:

Game ID set to: game_id
Server started. Listening on [::]:30000.

Use case 6: Listen on a specific port


minetestserver --port 34567

Motivation: This command allows users to specify a specific port on which the server should listen. It can be useful for users who want to run multiple servers simultaneously or for those who want to customize the server’s network configuration.

Explanation: The --port 34567 argument specifies the port number on which the server should listen.

Example output:

Server started. Listening on [::]:34567.

Use case 7: Migrate to a different data backend


minetestserver --migrate sqlite3|leveldb|redis

Motivation: This command allows users to migrate their server’s data backend to a different system, such as SQLite3, LevelDB, or Redis. It can be useful for upgrading or changing the server’s data storage method.

Explanation: The --migrate sqlite3|leveldb|redis argument specifies the data backend to migrate to.

Example output:

Data backend migrated to: sqlite3
Server started. Listening on [::]:30000.

Use case 8: Start an interactive terminal after starting the server


minetestserver --terminal

Motivation: This command allows users to start an interactive terminal session after starting the server. It can be useful for managing and monitoring the server in real-time.

Explanation: The --terminal argument starts an interactive terminal session after starting the server.

Example output:

Server started. Listening on [::]:30000.
Interactive terminal started.


The minetestserver command is a powerful tool for creating and managing multiplayer game worlds in Minetest. With its various options and arguments, users can easily configure the server, specify game worlds and IDs, customize network settings, migrate data backends, and even start an interactive terminal for server management.

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