How to Use the Command 'minetestserver' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'minetestserver' (with Examples)

Minetestserver is a multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox server that forms part of the Minetest suite, a free and open-source voxel game engine. This command-line tool allows users to host their own servers, providing an engaging platform for collaborative creativity. With ‘minetestserver’, users can set up worlds, load specific games, migrate data backends, and even launch an interactive terminal among other functionalities. This article will delve into the various use cases of the ‘minetestserver’ command, illustrating how each option can be effectively utilized.

Start the Server




Starting the server is the foundational step in hosting a Minetest multiplayer game. By running the ‘minetestserver’ command, you initiate a game server that players can connect to using the Minetest graphical client. This command helps create a persistent and shared world where players can build, explore, and interact.


No specific arguments are required here. When executed, it initiates the server with default settings, assuming the environment is properly configured.

Example Output:

19:03:45: INFO[Main]: Using default world at [/home/username/.minetest/worlds/world]
19:03:45: INFO[Main]: OpenAL: Initializing...
19:03:45: INFO[Main]: Server running at port 30000

List Available Worlds


minetestserver --world list


Listing available worlds is crucial for server administrators who manage multiple game environments. This command provides a quick overview of all the worlds set up on the server, helping to decide which world to load or modify.


  • --world: This argument is followed by the ’list’ option, prompting the server to enumerate and display all the available worlds stored on the system.

Example Output:

Available worlds:
- world1
- adventure_land
- creative_space

Load the Specified World


minetestserver --world world_name


Loading a specific world is a common requirement for server managers who wish to continue an ongoing game within a specific environment. It helps set the particular scene, structures, and player progress that were previously developed on that world.


  • --world: Indicates the particular world to be loaded, followed by the world_name, which is the name of the world you want to launch.

Example Output:

19:10:00: INFO[Main]: Loading world [/home/username/.minetest/worlds/world_name]
19:10:05: INFO[Main]: Server running at port 30000

List the Available Game IDs


minetestserver --gameid list


Listing available game IDs is useful for determining which games are installed and available to use on the server. This command aids in configuration and helps server administrators understand the customization options that can be implemented using different game modes.


  • --gameid: Specifies that the command should act on game IDs, with ’list’ instructing the server to display all available installed game IDs.

Example Output:

Available games:
- minetest_game
- capture_the_flag
- mineclone2

Use the Specified Game


minetestserver --gameid game_id


Choosing a specific game to execute on the server is often required when you want to change or start a session using a particular game mode. This choice could drive how blocks behave, the types of interactions possible, and the overarching goals of the game.


  • --gameid: Directs the server to use a specified game ID, followed by game_id, which represents the code or name of the game you wish to launch.

Example Output:

19:20:30: INFO[Main]: Using game ID [game_id]
19:20:32: INFO[Main]: Server running at port 30000

Listen on a Specific Port


minetestserver --port 34567


Changing the default port is sometimes necessary for network configuration issues, avoiding port conflicts, or when setting up multiple instances of Minetest servers. By specifying the port, you can manage how external connections are made to your server.


  • --port: This argument is followed by a specific port number (34567), which designates the network port the server should listen on for incoming player connections.

Example Output:

19:25:00: INFO[Main]: Server running at port 34567

Migrate to a Different Data Backend


minetestserver --migrate sqlite3|leveldb|redis


Migrating to a different data backend is essential for optimizing server performance, ensuring data reliability, or meeting the specific storage requirements of your server. Users might upgrade to a more robust database backend as their needs evolve.


  • --migrate: Prompts the server to transfer existing world data to another database format.
  • sqlite3|leveldb|redis: Specifies the destination database backend you wish to migrate to. Choose one based on your server needs.

Example Output:

Migration started from sqlite3 to leveldb...
Migration completed successfully.

Start an Interactive Terminal After Starting the Server


minetestserver --terminal


An interactive terminal session allows administrators more direct control and real-time management over the server. It is invaluable for executing immediate commands, monitoring server status, and making on-the-fly adjustments without shutting down the server.


  • --terminal: Launches an interactive terminal session alongside the server process, opening a direct console for inputting commands and receiving outputs in real time.

Example Output:

Server running with terminal access.
Type 'help' for a list of commands.


The ‘minetestserver’ command provides a robust set of functionalities for managing and hosting multiplayer content in the Minetest environment. From initializing servers and listing worlds to migrating data backends and engaging with an interactive terminal, each use case presents unique capabilities essential for both novice and experienced server administrators. By understanding and utilizing these commands, users can effectively manage their Minetest servers, enhancing the gaming experience for themselves and their community.

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