Using the `mingle` command (with examples)

Using the `mingle` command (with examples)

The mingle command is a part of the Graphviz suite, which provides a collection of tools for visualizing graph-based data. mingle specifically helps to bundle the edges of a graph layout. It is particularly useful when dealing with complex graphs where edges may overlap or intersect, making it difficult to see the individual connections clearly.

In this article, we will explore different use cases of the mingle command and understand how it can be used to improve the visualization of graph layouts. We will cover three main scenarios:

  1. Bundle the edges of one or more graph layouts that already have layout information.
  2. Perform layout, bundling, and output to a picture with one command.
  3. Display help for the mingle command.

Let’s dive into each scenario and see how the mingle command can be used effectively.

Use Case 1: Bundle the edges of existing graph layouts

The mingle command can be used to bundle the edges of one or more graph layouts that already have layout information. This is useful when you have separate graph layout files and want to bundle the edges to improve readability.

Here’s an example of how to use the mingle command in this scenario:

mingle path/to/layout1.gv path/to/layout2.gv ... > path/to/output.gv

In the above command, path/to/layout1.gv, path/to/layout2.gv, etc. are the paths to the input graph layout files that you want to bundle. The bundled layout will be written to path/to/output.gv.

Motivation: By bundling the edges in separate graph layout files, you can reduce the clutter and overlap of edges, making it easier to comprehend the connections in the graph. This can be especially beneficial when dealing with large or complex graphs.

Example Output: The resulting output.gv file will contain the bundled layout, where the edges are rearranged to minimize overlap and improve readability.

Use Case 2: Perform layout, bundling, and output as a picture

The mingle command can also be combined with other Graphviz commands to perform layout, bundling, and direct output to a picture format, such as PNG or SVG.

Here’s an example of how to use the mingle command in this scenario:

dot path/to/input.gv | mingle | dot -T png > path/to/output.png

In the above command, path/to/input.gv is the path to the input graph layout file. The dot command is used to perform the initial layout, which is then piped (|) to the mingle command for edge bundling. Finally, the bundled graph is piped again to the dot command for output in the PNG format, which is written to path/to/output.png.

Motivation: By combining layout, bundling, and output in one command, you can easily generate visually appealing and clutter-free representations of complex graphs. This eliminates the need for manual bundling and helps save time while producing high-quality visualizations.

Example Output: The resulting output.png file will contain the bundled and visually optimized graph representation in the PNG format.

Use Case 3: Display help for the mingle command

The mingle command has some additional options that can be explored for more specific use cases. To get the help documentation for the mingle command, you can use the following command:

mingle -?

The above command will display detailed information about the available command-line options, arguments, and usage examples.

Motivation: Understanding the available options and arguments of the mingle command can help you tailor the command to suit your specific needs. The help documentation provides valuable insights into the capabilities of the command and helps in exploring advanced usage scenarios.

Example Output: The command will display the help documentation for the mingle command, including the description, available options, and usage examples. This information will assist you in understanding the different ways the mingle command can be used and how to customize it according to your requirements.


The mingle command is a powerful tool provided by Graphviz for bundling the edges of graph layouts. We explored three different use cases of the mingle command, including bundling separate layouts, performing layout and bundling in one command, and accessing the help documentation.

Understanding how to effectively use the mingle command can greatly improve the visualization of complex graphs, making it easier to analyze and interpret the relationships between nodes and edges. Whether you are dealing with large network diagrams, organizational charts, or any other type of graph-based representation, the mingle command can be a valuable addition to your graph visualization toolkit.

To learn more about the mingle command and its capabilities, refer to the official Graphviz documentation at .

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