How to Use the Command 'Mingle' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'Mingle' (with Examples)

Mingle is a utility within the Graphviz suite designed to process and bundle the edges of graph layouts. It can handle one or multiple graph descriptions that already encompass layout information and provide a visually cleaner representation of edge intersections. Mingle makes complex graph structures more understandable by bundling similar edges closer together, reducing visual clutter and enhancing clarity. This article explores three specific usage scenarios of the mingle command, each serving different purposes while demonstrating the versatility of Mingle in graphical data visualization.

Use Case 1: Bundle the Edges of One or More Graph Layouts


mingle path/to/layout1.gv path/to/layout2.gv ... > path/to/output.gv


In large-scale or intricate graphs, visual clutter arising from overlapping or intersecting edges can obscure the data’s readability and interpretation. By applying Mingle to bundle edges from multiple graph layout files, users can achieve clearer and more comprehensible graph visualizations. This method is particularly useful when dealing with complex networks where enhanced edge bundling helps in focusing on relational data patterns rather than getting distracted by visual chaos.


  • mingle: This is the command invoking the Mingle utility.
  • path/to/layout1.gv path/to/layout2.gv ...: These paths refer to one or more input graph files in Graphviz format. Each file contains pre-existing layout information, which Mingle will use to bundle the edges. The user can add as many paths as needed.
  • >: This is a redirection operator in shell scripting, used to direct the output that Mingle generates to a designated file rather than to the console.
  • path/to/output.gv: This indicates the path and file name where the bundled graph layout will be saved in Graphviz format, ready for further processing or visualization with Graphviz tools.

Example Output:

After executing the command, the output will be stored in path/to/output.gv, featuring a layout with edge bundling applied. This output file will reveal a streamlined graph structure where edges with common nodes are drawn closer together, making for a tidier and visually appealing representation.

Use Case 2: Perform Layout, Bundling, and Output to a Picture with One Command


dot path/to/input.gv | mingle | dot -T png > path/to/output.png


For users who wish to perform both the layout and bundling processes in one go, this usage scenario efficiently combines the functionalities of different Graphviz utilities. By leveraging dot in conjunction with mingle, users can input a raw graph description and directly produce a bundled and polished visual representation in a desired image format like PNG. This one-liner handles the complete workflow, making graph visualization straightforward and immediate.


  • dot path/to/input.gv: This command runs dot, a fundamental Graphviz utility for automatically positioning nodes and edges from an input graph described in Graphviz format.
  • |: This pipe operator takes the output from the preceding dot command and inputs it directly into mingle.
  • mingle: Processes the dot output to bundle similar edges, enhancing the visual clarity of the graph.
  • dot -T png: This second dot command takes the mingled output, defines the layout, and converts the graph into an image format specified by the -T parameter (in this case, PNG).
  • >: Redirects the processed output image to the specified file path.
  • path/to/output.png: The path where the final processed image will be saved, representing the bundled graph layout.

Example Output:

Executing this command sequence will produce an image file at path/to/output.png, showing a bundled graph. The final picture ensures that not only is the graph layout readable but that edge bundling is visually consistent, aiding in quicker analysis and presentation of relational data.

Use Case 3: Display Help


mingle -?


Understanding complex command-line utilities often requires quick access to built-in documentation. The mingle -? command provides users with immediate help and guidance on using Mingle, detailing available options, flags, and practical usage tips. It is essential for new users or those who need a quick reference without consulting external resources.


  • mingle: Calls the Mingle utility.
  • -?: This option triggers the display of help content, listing command-line options, usage information, and possibly brief explanations of Mingle’s functionality.

Example Output:

The output will appear in the terminal (console) and will typically encompass a concise guide on Mingle’s usage, options, and arguments. It serves as an invaluable tool for users seeking clarification or looking to explore lesser-known features of Mingle.


The mingle command enhances the readability and presentation of graph layouts by effectively bundling edges, whether dealing with raw or pre-laid graph files. Users can improve their workflow through one-liner command sequences or tap into help resources directly within the utility. As such, Mingle is a powerful tool for visual data analysis, offering improved clarity and organization in graph outputs.

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