How to Set Up a Linux Swap Area Using 'mkswap' (with examples)

How to Set Up a Linux Swap Area Using 'mkswap' (with examples)

The mkswap command is a powerful tool in Linux systems, primarily used to set up a swap area on a designated device or file. Swapping is a memory management technique that provides additional memory usage on a system by moving inactive pages in memory to a designated swap space. This can be particularly useful for systems with limited physical RAM, ensuring applications have the memory they need to function smoothly. mkswap requires a path to either a storage partition or a file that will serve as the swap space. This command is critical for setting up swapping, which can enhance system performance and stability. Below, we explore three key use cases to demonstrate how to effectively utilize the mkswap command.

Use case 1: Set up a given swap area


sudo mkswap path/to/file


Setting up a swap area is essential for maintaining optimal performance on a Linux system, especially on machines with limited RAM. Using swap space extends the usable virtual memory beyond the physical RAM installed on the system. It acts as a backup when the physical memory is fully used, enabling more applications to run simultaneously without crashing or significantly slowing down the system.


  • sudo: This prefix runs the command with administrative privileges, which is necessary for modifying system memory parameters.
  • mkswap: This is the command used to set up the swap space.
  • path/to/file: Indicates the path to the file or partition that you want to set as swap space. This path must be specified correctly as failure to do so can lead to system errors.

Example Output:

The output might look like this:

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 512 MiB (536870912 bytes)
no label, UUID=1b2e3c4d-5f6b-7a8b-9c1d-2e3f4b5a6c7d

This output indicates that the swap area has been successfully set up with the specified size, and it provides a UUID that uniquely identifies the swap space.

Use case 2: Check a partition for bad blocks before creating the swap area


sudo mkswap -c path/to/file


Incorporating a check for bad blocks before setting up a swap area ensures data integrity and the overall performance of the swap space. Bad blocks in storage can lead to data corruption and system crashes. By checking for such blocks beforehand, you can avoid potential problems and ensure that only healthy parts of the disk are used for swap space.


  • sudo: Again, administrative privileges are necessary to execute this command.
  • mkswap: This command establishes the area to be used for swapping purposes.
  • -c: This flag directs mkswap to check the specified path for bad blocks before setting it up as swap. It’s an essential precaution for system health.
  • path/to/file: This argument specifies where the check and subsequent swap setup should occur.

Example Output:

The output might appear as follows:

Checking for bad blocks in the swap area
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 512 MiB (536870912 bytes)
no label, UUID=2b3c4d5e-6f7g-8h9i-0j1k-2l3m4n5o6p7q

This indicates that the bad blocks check was completed and the swap space was successfully configured thereafter.

Use case 3: Specify a label for the partition


sudo mkswap -L label /dev/sda1


Labeling a swap partition can significantly simplify its management and usage. When a swap space is labeled, it enables the use of labels instead of device paths in configurations, making it easier to reference the swap area, especially when managing multiple swap partitions or if the device paths could change due to hardware reconfiguration.


  • sudo: Necessary to have the appropriate permissions to modify swap settings.
  • mkswap: Initializes the process of setting up swapping on the device.
  • -L label: This option sets a label, a human-readable identifier, for the swap partition. It is useful for easily identifying and managing the swap area.
  • /dev/sda1: The specific partition that will be set up as a swap space and labeled. Make sure to replace with the correct device identifier on your system.

Example Output:

The typical output for this command might be:

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 4096 MiB (4294967296 bytes), LABEL=label

The output indicates the successful setup of the swap area, along with the applied label and UUID.


The mkswap command is indispensable for systems that require additional memory management flexibility. By setting up swap spaces, checking for bad blocks preemptively, and labeling these resources, you ensure a robust environment that caters to the dynamic demands of modern Linux applications. Each of these use cases shows the diverse, practical applications of mkswap, making system management more reliable and organized.

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