How to use the command 'mktemp' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mktemp' (with examples)

The mktemp command is used to create temporary files or directories. It can be useful in various scenarios, such as creating temporary files for testing, generating unique file or directory names, or creating temporary storage locations for data processing tasks.

Use case 1: Create an empty temporary file and print its absolute path



Motivation: By simply running mktemp without any options or arguments, a temporary file with a unique name and no contents is created. This can be useful when you need a temporary file for storing data or performing operations that require a file.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates the basic usage of mktemp command. When run without any options or arguments, mktemp generates a temporary file in the default temporary directory, which is typically $TMPDIR or /tmp. The generated file name is printed to the console.

Example output:


Use case 2: Use a custom directory


mktemp --tmpdir=/path/to/tempdir

Motivation: Sometimes, it may be necessary to create temporary files in a specific directory rather than the default temporary directory. The --tmpdir option allows you to specify a custom directory for creating temporary files.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates how to use a custom directory with the mktemp command. By providing the --tmpdir option followed by the desired directory path, mktemp will create the temporary file in that directory instead of the default temporary directory.

Example output:


Use case 3: Use a custom path template


mktemp /tmp/example.XXXXXXXX

Motivation: When you need the generated temporary file to follow a specific pattern, such as using a particular prefix or suffix, you can utilize a custom path template. This allows you to create file names that adhere to your desired naming convention.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates how to specify a custom path template with the mktemp command. By replacing the X characters in the template with random alphanumeric characters, mktemp generates a unique file name. In this example, the file will be created in the /tmp directory.

Example output:


Use case 4: Use a custom file name template


mktemp -t example.XXXXXXXX

Motivation: Similar to the previous use case, this example also allows you to define a custom file name template. However, in this case, the template is only used for generating the file name itself, and the directory is determined by the default temporary directory.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates how to use a custom file name template with the -t option. The template can include any combination of characters, and the X characters will be replaced with random alphanumeric characters. The temporary file will be created in the default temporary directory.

Example output:


Use case 5: Create an empty temporary file with the given suffix and print its absolute path


mktemp --suffix .ext

Motivation: When you need the generated temporary file to have a specific suffix, this use case becomes handy. It allows you to create temporary files with the desired suffix, which can be useful for file type associations or distinguishing files based on their extensions.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates how to specify a suffix for the generated temporary file with the --suffix option. By providing the desired suffix after the option, mktemp will create the empty temporary file and print its absolute path.

Example output:


Use case 6: Create an empty temporary directory and print its absolute path


mktemp --directory

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may require a temporary directory instead of a file. This use case allows you to create an empty temporary directory and obtain its absolute path, which can be useful for storing multiple files or organizing data more efficiently.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates how to create an empty temporary directory using the --directory option. When provided, mktemp creates the directory in the default temporary directory and prints its absolute path.

Example output:



The mktemp command is a powerful tool for creating temporary files and directories. It provides various options and arguments to customize the generated filenames, directory locations, and suffixes. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, you can efficiently handle temporary data and improve your workflow.

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