How to use the command 'mocha' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mocha' (with examples)

Mocha is a JavaScript test runner that allows you to write and execute tests for your JavaScript code. It provides a flexible and easy-to-use API for writing test cases and comes with a variety of useful features such as built-in test coverage reporting, support for different assertion libraries, and the ability to watch for changes and re-run tests automatically.

Use case 1: Run tests with default configuration or as configured in mocha.opts



Motivation: Running mocha without any arguments will execute all test files in the current directory and its subdirectories using the default configuration or the configuration specified in the mocha.opts file. This is useful when you want to quickly run all your tests without having to specify individual test files or test patterns.


  • mocha: Executes Mocha test runner.

Example output:

    ✓ should return true
    ✓ should return false

  2 passing (10ms)

Use case 2: Run tests contained at a specific location


mocha directory/with/tests

Motivation: If you have your test files organized in different directories, you can use this command to specify the location of the tests you want to run. It allows you to target specific directories and run all the tests contained in them.


  • mocha directory/with/tests: Executes Mocha test runner and runs all the test files contained in the specified directory.

Example output:

    ✓ should add two numbers
    ✓ should subtract two numbers

  2 passing (4ms)

Use case 3: Run tests that match a specific grep pattern


mocha --grep regular_expression

Motivation: The --grep option allows you to run only the tests that match a specific regular expression pattern. This is helpful when you want to focus on a particular subset of tests that match a certain criteria, such as tests for a specific module or a specific functionality.


  • mocha --grep regular_expression: Executes Mocha test runner and runs only the tests whose names match the specified regular expression pattern.

Example output:

    ✓ should filter an array based on a predicate
    ✓ should map an array to a new array with modified elements

  2 passing (8ms)

Use case 4: Run tests on changes to JavaScript files in the current directory and once initially


mocha --watch

Motivation: When you are actively developing and making changes to your JavaScript code, it can be tedious to manually run the tests every time. The --watch option tells Mocha to watch for changes in the JavaScript files in the current directory and its subdirectories, and automatically re-run the tests whenever a change is detected. It’s a great way to keep your test suite continuously running and see the results in real-time.


  • mocha --watch: Executes Mocha test runner and watches for changes in JavaScript files in the current directory and its subdirectories. It re-runs the tests whenever a change is detected.

Example output:

    ✓ should return true
    ✓ should return false

  2 passing (10ms)

  ...changes detected...

    ✓ should return true
    ✓ should return false
    ✓ should return null

  3 passing (12ms)

Use case 5: Run tests with a specific reporter


mocha --reporter reporter

Motivation: Mocha supports different built-in reporters, which control the format and presentation of the test results. You can choose a reporter that best suits your needs and preferences. The --reporter option allows you to specify the reporter you want to use.


  • mocha --reporter reporter: Executes Mocha test runner using the specified reporter.

Example output:

  ✔ MyTest › should return true
  ✔ MyTest › should return false

  2 passing (10ms)


The mocha command provides a variety of options and features to help you execute your JavaScript test suite efficiently. Whether you want to run tests with default configuration, target specific directories, focus on specific tests with a grep pattern, continuously watch for changes, or use a specific reporter, Mocha gives you the flexibility to do so. Take advantage of these use cases to streamline your testing workflow and ensure the quality of your JavaScript code.

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