How to use the command 'mocp' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mocp' (with examples)

Music on Console (MOC) is an audio player that allows users to play audio files from the terminal. It provides a command-line interface for managing and playing audio files, making it a lightweight and efficient option for those who prefer using the terminal for their music needs.

Use case 1: Launch the MOC terminal UI



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to start the MOC terminal user interface and interact with the audio player directly from the terminal. It allows you to navigate through your music library, create playlists, and control the playback.


  • mocp: This command launches the MOC terminal UI, allowing you to interact with the audio player through the terminal.

Example output: The MOC terminal UI will open, displaying the current song being played, available controls, and the status of the player.

Use case 2: Launch the MOC terminal UI in a specific directory


mocp path/to/directory

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to start the MOC terminal UI in a specific directory containing your music files. This use case allows you to set the default directory for MOC, making it easier to navigate your library and play songs.


  • mocp path/to/directory: This command launches the MOC terminal UI and sets the specified directory as the default directory for MOC.

Example output: The MOC terminal UI will open, displaying the contents of the specified directory. You can navigate through the directory and play songs from there.

Use case 3: Start the MOC server in the background


mocp --server

Motivation: Running the MOC server in the background allows you to control the audio player remotely using the command-line interface without launching the MOC terminal UI. This is especially useful when you want to control the playback from scripts or using shortcuts.


  • mocp --server: This command starts the MOC server in the background, allowing you to control the audio player remotely.

Example output: The MOC server will start running in the background, and you can use other commands to control the playback or manage the playlist.

Use case 4: Add a specific song to the play queue while MOC is in the background


mocp --enqueue path/to/audio_file

Motivation: If you want to add a specific song to the play queue while MOC is running in the background, this use case allows you to do so without interrupting the current playback. It’s convenient when you come across a song you want to listen to without interrupting the current playlist.


  • mocp --enqueue path/to/audio_file: This command adds the specified audio file to the play queue without interrupting the current playback.

Example output: The specified audio file will be added to the play queue, and MOC will continue playing the current song.

Use case 5: Add songs recursively to the play queue while MOC is in the background


mocp --append path/to/directory

Motivation: When you want to add multiple songs to the play queue from a directory and its subdirectories, this use case provides a convenient way to do so. It allows you to maintain the current play queue while adding more songs from a specific directory.


  • mocp --append path/to/directory: This command adds all the audio files from the specified directory and its subdirectories to the play queue without interrupting the current playback.

Example output: All the audio files from the specified directory and its subdirectories will be added to the play queue, and MOC will continue playing the current song.

Use case 6: Clear the play queue while MOC is in the background


mocp --clear

Motivation: If you want to start afresh and remove all songs from the play queue, this use case comes in handy. It allows you to clear the play queue without interrupting the current playback.


  • mocp --clear: This command clears the play queue, removing all songs from the queue without interrupting the current playback.

Example output: The play queue will be cleared, and MOC will continue playing the current song (if any).

Use case 7: Play or stop the currently queued song while MOC is in the background


mocp --play|stop

Motivation: When you want to pause or resume the playback of the current song while MOC is running in the background, this use case provides a convenient way to do so without launching the MOC terminal UI.


  • mocp --play|stop: This command plays or stops the currently queued song without interrupting the current playback.

Example output: If the song is playing, it will be paused. If the song is paused, it will be resumed.

Use case 8: Stop the MOC server while it’s in the background


mocp --exit

Motivation: If you want to stop the MOC server and completely terminate the audio player while it’s running in the background, this use case allows you to do so.


  • mocp --exit: This command stops the MOC server and terminates the audio player.

Example output: The MOC server will stop running, and the audio player will be completely terminated.


The ‘mocp’ command provides a versatile and efficient way to manage and play audio files from the terminal. Whether you want to interact with the audio player through the MOC terminal UI or control it remotely, there are various use cases that cater to different needs. From launching the MOC terminal UI to managing the play queue and controlling playback, you can customize your music listening experience using the ‘mocp’ command.

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