How to use the command 'mogrify' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mogrify' (with examples)

The ‘mogrify’ command is part of the ImageMagick software suite and is used to perform various operations on multiple images. It allows users to resize, crop, flip, and add effects to images, with the changes being applied directly to the original file. This command is especially useful when working with large numbers of images and wanting to apply the same modification to all of them efficiently.

Use case 1: Resize all JPEG images in the directory to 50% of their initial size


mogrify -resize 50% *.jpg

Motivation: Resizing images is a common task, especially when you need to reduce their file size or make them fit a specific display requirement. In this case, by using the ‘mogrify’ command with the ‘-resize’ option, we can easily reduce the size of all JPEG images in the current directory by 50% without altering the file extension or creating new files.


  • mogrify: The ImageMagick command used to perform operations on multiple images.
  • -resize 50%: This option instructs ‘mogrify’ to resize the images to 50% of their initial size.
  • *.jpg: Specifies the file pattern or the images to be resized. In this case, all JPEG images in the current directory that match the pattern.

Example output: All JPEG images in the directory will be resized to 50% of their initial size, effectively reducing their dimensions and file size.

Use case 2: Resize all images starting with ‘DSC’ to 800x600


mogrify -resize 800x600 DSC*

Motivation: In some situations, you may need to resize specific images to match a particular resolution requirement. By using the ‘mogrify’ command with the ‘-resize’ option and specifying the desired dimensions, in this case, 800x600, all images starting with ‘DSC’ can be conveniently resized without altering their file extensions or creating additional files.


  • mogrify: The ImageMagick command used to perform operations on multiple images.
  • -resize 800x600: This option instructs ‘mogrify’ to resize the images to a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels.
  • DSC*: Specifies the file pattern or the images to be resized. In this case, all images in the current directory starting with ‘DSC’ that match the pattern.

Example output: All images starting with ‘DSC’ in the directory will be resized to a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels, maintaining their original file format.

Use case 3: Convert all PNGs in the directory to JPEG


mogrify -format jpg *.png

Motivation: Image format conversion is a common task when working with images. In some cases, you may have a collection of PNG images that you want to convert to JPEG format. By using the ‘mogrify’ command with the ‘-format’ option and specifying ‘jpg’, you can efficiently convert all PNG images in the current directory to JPEG format, without the need for external tools or creating duplicate files.


  • mogrify: The ImageMagick command used to perform operations on multiple images.
  • -format jpg: This option instructs ‘mogrify’ to convert the images to the JPEG format.
  • *.png: Specifies the file pattern or the images to be converted. In this case, all PNG images in the current directory that match the pattern.

Example output: All PNG images in the directory will be converted to JPEG format, effectively changing their file extensions to ‘.jpg’.

Use case 4: Halve the saturation of all image files in the current directory


mogrify -modulate 100,50 *

Motivation: Adjusting image properties like saturation can help achieve desired visual effects or match specific requirements. In this case, by using the ‘mogrify’ command with the ‘-modulate’ option, you can halve the saturation of all image files in the current directory, providing an efficient way to apply the modification without altering the image file format.


  • mogrify: The ImageMagick command used to perform operations on multiple images.
  • -modulate 100,50: This option adjusts the saturation of the images to 50%.
  • *: Specifies the file pattern or the images to be modified. In this case, all image files in the current directory.

Example output: All image files in the directory will have their saturation reduced by 50%, resulting in a visually less vibrant appearance.

Use case 5: Double the brightness of all image files in the current directory


mogrify -modulate 200 *

Motivation: Image brightness adjustments are commonly used to correct underexposed or overexposed images or to enhance their overall appearance. By using the ‘mogrify’ command with the ‘-modulate’ option and setting the brightness to 200%, all image files in the current directory can be quickly modified, without the need for separate editing software or creating duplicates.


  • mogrify: The ImageMagick command used to perform operations on multiple images.
  • -modulate 200: This option adjusts the brightness of the images to 200%.
  • *: Specifies the file pattern or the images to be modified. In this case, all image files in the current directory.

Example output: All image files in the directory will have their brightness doubled, resulting in a visually brighter appearance.


The ‘mogrify’ command in ImageMagick provides a powerful way to perform various operations on multiple images efficiently. Whether you need to resize, convert formats, or adjust image properties like saturation and brightness, ‘mogrify’ allows you to apply these modifications directly to the original files, saving time and effort. With its versatility and ease of use, ‘mogrify’ is a valuable tool for image processing tasks.

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