How to use the command 'mogrify' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mogrify' (with examples)

The mogrify command is a powerful and versatile tool for modifying and transforming images. It is an alias of magick mogrify from the popular ImageMagick suite, which allows users to perform various image processing tasks in bulk. The command is particularly useful for batch processing, enabling the transformation of multiple images with a single command line instruction. By using mogrify, you can resize, convert, change format, add effects, and more, all simultaneously applied to several images without altering the original files.

Use case 1: Resize All Images in a Directory


mogrify -resize 800x600 *.jpg


Often, when dealing with a large number of images, such as in web development or creating a photo archive, we need to resize images to maintain consistency or to prepare them for faster loading on the web. This command allows users to resize every JPG image in the current directory to a uniform width and height, substantially reducing time compared to manually resizing each image.


  • mogrify: The command used to modify images in place.
  • -resize 800x600: This argument specifies the desired dimensions for resizing images. 800x600 indicates that each image will be resized to a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels.
  • *.jpg: This placeholder selects all files with a .jpg extension in the current directory, meaning all JPG images will be processed.

Example Output:

After running the command, all JPG images in the directory will be resized to 800x600 pixels. The files will retain their original names but will have updated dimensions.

Use case 2: Convert Image Format from PNG to JPEG


mogrify -format jpg *.png


At times, it may be necessary to convert images from one format to another, perhaps for compatibility reasons. Converting PNG images to JPEG format can reduce file sizes, which is often desirable for web use. Using mogrify, this conversion is streamlined, allowing users to convert all PNG files in a directory to JPEG format in one go.


  • mogrify: The command used for modifying images.
  • -format jpg: This flag sets the target format for the conversion to JPEG.
  • *.png: Specifies all PNG files in the current directory for conversion.

Example Output:

Each PNG file is converted to a JPEG file, resulting in files like image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc. The original PNG files remain intact unless further actions are taken to remove them.

Use case 3: Add a Watermark to All Images


mogrify -draw "text 10,10 'Sample Watermark'" *.png


Watermarking images is common when sharing content online, protecting ownership and deterring unauthorized use. This example demonstrates how to add a simple text watermark to images, ensuring a consistent message or logo appears across all images in a batch process.


  • mogrify: Again, this command is for modifying multiple images in place.
  • -draw "text 10,10 'Sample Watermark'": The -draw flag allows you to add simple vector graphics like text. The given command will place the text “Sample Watermark” starting at coordinates (10, 10) within each image.
  • *.png: Indicates all PNG files in the directory to be processed for watermarking.

Example Output:

After executing, each PNG file will have the text “Sample Watermark” at the specified position, providing a uniform watermark across all processed files.


The mogrify command is an incredibly efficient tool for batch image processing with ImageMagick, simplifying tasks like resizing, format conversion, and adding watermarks. The examples provided show how simple command line inputs can be leveraged to perform complex alterations to multitudes of images, saving time and effort while maintaining quality and consistency. These examples should guide users to seamlessly integrate mogrify into their workflow for a range of image modification needs.

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