How to Use the Command 'molecule' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'molecule' (with Examples)

Molecule is a specialized tool for testing Ansible roles, ensuring that they work as expected in various environments. Ansible is a widely-used open-source automation tool, and Molecule acts as a framework to rigorously test your roles, giving confidence in their functionality. By using Molecule, developers can create, manage, and test various instances, helping automate and streamline the validation process for their infrastructure as code.

Create a New Ansible Role (with Examples)


molecule init role --role-name example_role


Creating a new Ansible role is one of the most foundational tasks in using Ansible effectively. This command initializes a standard directory structure for a role, which is essential for maintaining a clean and organized codebase. By using this command, you’re setting up a basic framework where you’ll define tasks, handlers, defaults, and more. This structured beginning allows for effective testing and later modifications.


  • molecule: The primary command to invoke the Molecule application.
  • init: Short for “initialize,” this subcommand starts the setup process for a new environment or component.
  • role: This flag specifies that you are creating a new role, which is a reusable Ansible module.
  • --role-name: This option prompts you to provide a name for your new role, “example_role” in this case, which will be used to create a directory named after your role containing standard subdirectories and files for an Ansible role.

Example Output:

--> Initializing new role example_role...
Initialized role in /path/to/example_role
Successfully initialized role example_role.

Run Tests (with Examples)


molecule test


Testing is vital in software development to ensure that code behaves as expected. Running molecule test is important for validating your Ansible roles to ensure that they function correctly before they are used in a live environment. This practice helps prevent errors that could lead to significant downtime or issues in production.


  • molecule: Again, this calls upon the Molecule framework for Ansible.
  • test: This subcommand triggers a series of steps including creating instances, applying your roles, verifying the results, and cleaning up the instances afterward. It is essentially an all-encompassing command for testing the integrity and functionality of your Ansible roles.

Example Output:

INFO     default scenario test matrix: destroy, create, converge, verify, destroy
INFO     Running default > destroy
. . .
INFO     Verifier completed successfully.

Start the Instance (with Examples)


molecule create


The ability to create and configure instances is crucial for testing environments. This command starts the instance(s) that you will need to test your configuration. By creating the environment, you assure that you have a controlled space to test and apply various scenarios your roles may encounter.


  • molecule: Calls Molecule to manage the environment for role testing.
  • create: This subcommand is responsible for starting the instance(s) defined in your Molecule configuration file. It’s the first step in preparing an isolated environment for testing.

Example Output:

INFO     default scenario test matrix: create
INFO     Running default > create
. . .
Created instance(s) successfully.

Configure the Instance (with Examples)


molecule converge


Configuring the instance is a step where you apply your Ansible role to the instance you have created. This is vital because it allows you to test how your role performs in a live environment, applying all configurations as if it were a production setup. This step is crucial for validating that your role works as intended after changes and during development.


  • molecule: Once again engaging the Molecule tool to handle Ansible roles.
  • converge: This subcommand is used to apply the configurations defined in the playbook to the instance. It ensures that your desired state for the role and resources is achieved and maintained.

Example Output:

INFO     default scenario test matrix: converge
INFO     Running default > converge
. . .
Converged instance(s) successfully.

List Scenarios of the Instance (with Examples)


molecule matrix converge


Listing scenarios provides insights into various testing scenarios that can be performed using Molecule. This is useful for developers who want to document the testing process or verify that their roles will work in different conditions. This command is significant for systematic testing, especially when dealing with complex roles with multiple dependencies.


  • molecule: Invokes the Molecule tool once more.
  • matrix: This subcommand is used for determining a matrix of operations defined in the configuration. It displays the different combinations of operations (like converge in this case) available for testing.
  • converge: Specifies which operations to list within the matrix, focusing on showing results related to applying configurations to instances.

Example Output:

INFO     default scenario test matrix: converge
INFO     Running scenario: default

Log in to the Instance (with Examples)


molecule login


Logging into an instance allows for manual inspection and debugging if an issue occurs during testing. It is a crucial process that provides developers access to the runtime environment similar to SSH, allowing detailed assessment and ensuring the configurations and roles are applied correctly.


  • molecule: Command initiating the Molecule testing framework.
  • login: This command opens an SSH-like session into the instance, enabling direct access for manual intervention or review.

Example Output:

INFO     Network access: ssh default@ -p 32769
Accessing instance...


Molecule is an indispensable tool for anyone looking to develop robust and reliable Ansible roles. With functionalities covering role initialization, testing, environment setup, configuration, and even manual inspection, Molecule provides a comprehensive testing workflow. By integrating Molecule into your configuration management and development practices, you ensure higher quality, consistency, and stability across your Ansible roles.

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