mongorestore (with examples)

mongorestore (with examples)

Importing a BSON data dump from a directory to a MongoDB database


mongorestore --db database_name path/to/directory


When you have a BSON data dump from a previous MongoDB backup and want to restore it to a specific database, you can use the mongorestore command with the --db argument followed by the name of the target database. This allows you to import the data from the BSON dump into the specified database.


  • --db database_name: Specifies the name of the target database where the BSON data will be imported.
  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory where the BSON data dump is located.

Example Output:

The BSON data in the specified directory will be imported into the specified database.

Importing a BSON data dump from a directory to a MongoDB server host with authentication


mongorestore --host database_host:port --db database_name --username username path/to/directory --password


In some cases, the MongoDB server where you want to import the BSON data requires user authentication. This use case demonstrates how to use mongorestore with authentication, providing the username and password for the MongoDB server.


  • --host database_host:port: Specifies the hostname and port number of the MongoDB server to connect to.
  • --db database_name: Specifies the name of the target database where the BSON data will be imported.
  • --username username: Specifies the username for authentication purposes.
  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory where the BSON data dump is located.
  • --password: When this option is used, the user will be prompted to enter the password for authentication.

Example Output:

The BSON data in the specified directory will be imported into the specified database on the MongoDB server running on the provided host and port, with the provided authentication credentials.

Importing a collection from a BSON file to a MongoDB database


mongorestore --db database_name path/to/file


If you have a specific BSON file containing a collection, and you want to import that collection into a MongoDB database, you can use the mongorestore command with the --db argument followed by the name of the target database. This use case is useful when you only want to import a single collection from a backup.


  • --db database_name: Specifies the name of the target database where the BSON collection will be imported.
  • path/to/file: The path to the BSON file containing the collection.

Example Output:

The collection in the specified BSON file will be imported into the specified database.

Importing a collection from a BSON file to a MongoDB server host with authentication


mongorestore --host database_host:port --db database_name --username username path/to/file --password


Similar to the previous use case, this example shows how to import a BSON collection file into a MongoDB server that requires authentication. It includes the --username and --password options to provide the necessary credentials for authentication.


  • --host database_host:port: Specifies the hostname and port number of the MongoDB server to connect to.
  • --db database_name: Specifies the name of the target database where the BSON collection will be imported.
  • --username username: Specifies the username for authentication purposes.
  • path/to/file: The path to the BSON file containing the collection.
  • --password: Prompts the user for the password for authentication.

Example Output:

The collection in the specified BSON file will be imported into the specified database on the MongoDB server running on the provided host and port, with the provided authentication credentials.

In this article, we have explored different use cases of the mongorestore command to import BSON data dumps or collections into MongoDB. These examples cover scenarios without authentication and with authentication, both for importing from directories and BSON files. By utilizing mongorestore with the appropriate arguments, you can efficiently restore data into your MongoDB databases.

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