How to use the command 'monodevelop' (with examples)

How to use the command 'monodevelop' (with examples)

MonoDevelop is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for C# and F#, among other programming languages. The command ‘monodevelop’ is used to start MonoDevelop and perform various actions within the IDE.

Use case 1: Start MonoDevelop



Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is used to start MonoDevelop. This is useful when you want to quickly open the IDE without any specific file or options.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is run without any arguments to start MonoDevelop.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches and opens the default starting screen.

Use case 2: Open a specific file


monodevelop path/to/file

Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ with a specific file path is used to open a specific file in the MonoDevelop IDE. This is helpful when you want to work on a particular file using the IDE.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is followed by the path to the file that you want to open. MonoDevelop will open the file in the IDE.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches and opens the specified file for editing.

Use case 3: Open a specific file with the caret at a specific position


monodevelop path/to/file;line_number;column_number

Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ with a specific file path and caret position allows you to open a file in the MonoDevelop IDE with the caret placed at a specific line and column. This is useful when you want to quickly navigate to a specific location in a file.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is followed by the path to the file, followed by the line number and column number where you want the caret to be placed. MonoDevelop will open the file in the IDE with the caret position set accordingly.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches and opens the specified file for editing, with the caret placed at the specified line and column.

Use case 4: Force opening a new window instead of switching to an existing one


monodevelop --new-window

Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ with the ‘–new-window’ option is used to force the IDE to open in a new window instead of switching to an existing one. This can be helpful when you want to work on multiple files simultaneously in separate MonoDevelop windows.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is followed by the ‘–new-window’ option. This tells MonoDevelop to open a new window regardless of any existing instances of the IDE.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches in a new window.

Use case 5: Disable redirection of stdout and stderr to a log file


monodevelop --no-redirect

Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ with the ‘–no-redirect’ option is used to disable the redirection of standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to a log file. This can be useful when you want to see the output and error messages directly in the console.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is followed by the ‘–no-redirect’ option. This prevents MonoDevelop from redirecting the standard output and standard error streams to a log file.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches and any output or error messages are printed directly to the console.

Use case 6: Enable performance monitoring


monodevelop --perf-log

Motivation: The command ‘monodevelop’ with the ‘–perf-log’ option is used to enable performance monitoring in the MonoDevelop IDE. This can be useful when you want to analyze the performance of your code or identify any bottlenecks.

Explanation: The command ‘monodevelop’ is followed by the ‘–perf-log’ option. This enables performance monitoring in MonoDevelop, allowing you to analyze the performance of your code.

Example Output: MonoDevelop IDE launches with performance monitoring enabled.


The ‘monodevelop’ command provides various use cases to start MonoDevelop and perform specific actions within the IDE. Whether you want to open a specific file, navigate to a specific position, work with multiple windows, view output and error messages directly, or enable performance monitoring, the ‘monodevelop’ command has you covered. With its cross-platform compatibility, MonoDevelop offers a convenient and feature-rich IDE for C#, F#, and more.

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