Montage Command Examples (with examples)

Montage Command Examples (with examples)

Use Case 1: Tile images into a grid, automatically resizing images larger than the grid cell size

montage path/to/image1.jpg path/to/image2.jpg ... path/to/montage.jpg


This use case is useful when you want to create a grid of images and automatically resize any images that are larger than the grid cell size. It saves you the hassle of manually resizing the images before creating the grid.


The montage command is used to tile the input images into a grid. In this use case, we provide the paths to the input images followed by the path to the output montage image. The command will automatically resize any images that are larger than the grid cell size to fit within the cells.

Example Output:

The input images will be tiled into a grid, and the resulting montage image will be saved at the specified output path.

Use Case 2: Tile images into a grid, automatically calculating the grid cell size from the largest image

montage path/to/image1.jpg path/to/image2.jpg ... -geometry +0+0 path/to/montage.jpg


This use case is helpful when you want to create a grid of images and automatically calculate the grid cell size based on the largest image. It ensures that all images are displayed properly within the grid.


In this use case, we provide the paths to the input images followed by the -geometry option with the +0+0 argument. The -geometry option tells the montage command to calculate the grid cell size based on the largest image. The +0+0 argument specifies the position of the first image in the grid.

Example Output:

The input images will be tiled into a grid, and the resulting montage image will be saved at the specified output path.

Use Case 3: Set the grid cell size and resize images to fit it before tiling

montage path/to/image1.jpg path/to/image2.jpg ... -geometry 640x480+0+0 path/to/montage.jpg


This use case is useful when you want to create a grid of images and manually set the grid cell size. It allows you to customize the layout and appearance of the grid.


In this use case, we provide the paths to the input images followed by the -geometry option with the 640x480+0+0 argument. The 640x480 represents the desired grid cell size, and the +0+0 specifies the position of the first image in the grid.

Example Output:

The input images will be resized to fit the specified grid cell size and then tiled into a grid. The resulting montage image will be saved at the specified output path.

Use Case 4: Limit the number of rows and columns in the grid, causing input images to overflow into multiple output montages

montage path/to/image1.jpg path/to/image2.jpg ... -geometry +0+0 -tile 2x3 montage_%d.jpg


This use case is handy when you have a large number of images and want to limit the number of rows and columns in the grid. It allows you to create multiple output montages if the input images cannot fit within a single grid.


In this use case, we provide the paths to the input images followed by the -geometry option with the +0+0 argument. The -tile option is used to specify the desired number of rows and columns in the grid. In this example, we set it to 2x3, which means the grid will have 2 rows and 3 columns. The %d in the output montage filename generates consecutive numbers for each output montage.

Example Output:

If there are more than 6 input images, they will be divided into multiple output montages. The resulting montages will be saved with filenames like montage_0.jpg, montage_1.jpg, etc.

Use Case 5: Resize and crop images to fill their grid cells before tiling

montage path/to/image1.jpg path/to/image2.jpg ... -geometry +0+0 -resize 640x480^ -gravity center -crop 640x480+0+0 path/to/montage.jpg


This use case is useful when you want to resize and crop the images to fill their grid cells before tiling. It ensures that all images are uniformly sized and properly centered within the cells.


In this use case, we provide the paths to the input images followed by the -geometry option with the +0+0 argument. The -resize option is used to resize the images to the desired dimensions (640x480 in this example). The ^ argument with -resize ensures that the images are uniformly resized by either width or height. The -gravity option with center argument centers the resized images within the grid cells, and the -crop option is used to crop the images to the desired dimensions (640x480 in this example).

Example Output:

The input images will be resized and cropped to fill their grid cells before being tiled into a grid. The resulting montage image will be saved at the specified output path. The images will appear uniformly sized and centered within the grid cells.

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