How to Use the Command 'more' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'more' (with examples)

The more command is a utility in the Command Prompt for Windows that allows users to display text output one page at a time. This is particularly useful when dealing with large amounts of text data that can’t fit on a single screen. The more command allows users to easily navigate through text, making analysis and review more manageable. This tool can handle output coming directly from a command, piped as input from stdin, or read directly from one or more files.

Use Case 1: Display Paginated Output from stdin


echo test | more

Paging is particularly helpful when dealing with output that’s too lengthy to fit on your screen at once. This particular command demonstrates how to use the more command with stdin, which is a useful feature for checking smaller outputs or test messages and ensuring that your piping is working correctly.


  • echo test: This part of the command outputs a simple string, “test.”
  • | more: The pipe symbol | takes the output from echo test as input to the more command, which will then display it in a paginated manner.

Example Output:


This output would appear page by page, although in this simple case, the output only consists of one short word.

Use Case 2: Display Paginated Output from One or More Files


more path\to\file

Reading files that contain large amounts of data, such as logs or lengthy documents, can be a difficult task if the text continuously scrolls off the screen. Using more with file inputs is important for users who need to review information in a controlled, stepwise manner.


  • path\to\file: This denotes the path to the file you want to read using the more command. When executed, more will pause at the end of each screenful of output, awaiting user input to continue to the next section.

Example Output:

This is the first page of the file's content.
-- More --

Navigating through the text is easy; pressing the spacebar advances to the next page, while pressing Enter moves one line at a time.

Use Case 3: Convert Tabs to the Specified Number of Spaces


more path\to\file /t8

Consistency in formatting is vital when analyzing text data, especially with code or configuration files where tabs can cause improper alignment. Changing tab spaces into a specified number is crucial to maintain uniform appearance for documentation or reports.


  • path\to\file: Specifies the file that should be viewed.
  • /tspaces: In this specific case, /t8 indicates the desire to interpret each tab character as eight spaces.

Example Output:

This     is     how     tabs     appear     now.

Having uniformly sized spaces instead of tabs allows for visual consistency across different text editors and systems.

Use Case 4: Clear the Screen Before Displaying the Page


more path\to\file /c

To start fresh with each file inspection and avoid distractions from previous command outputs, users may want to clear the screen before reading new content. This option helps create a cleaner start for reviewing content.


  • path\to\file: Indicates which file’s contents should be displayed.
  • /c: Before any text is displayed, the command will clear the console screen, providing a blank slate for viewing.

Example Output:

<screen clears>

File contents start here and are neatly presented.
-- More --

This clear screen ensures that only the file content is visible, avoiding any clutter.

Use Case 5: Display the Output Starting at Line 5


more path\to\file +5

When dealing with files, sometimes only specific sections are relevant, or you may need to skip introductory material. Starting viewing at a particular line number is vital for such precision in text analysis or data extraction tasks.


  • path\to\file: Designates the file for display.
  • +5: Specifies that the output starts at line 5, bypassing the first four lines.

Example Output:

Output starts here at line 5.
-- More --

Ideal for skipping headers, introductory comments, or metadata.

Use Case 6: Enable Extended Interactive Mode


more path\to\file /e

Handling extensive text functionality without having to remember too many hotkeys is difficult. The extended mode enriches the user’s ability to interact, scroll, and search within the file more effectively.


  • path\to\file: The file to display with enhanced user control.
  • /e: Activates the extended interactive mode, allowing more advanced user commands to be used during text review.

Example Output:
The interface visually remains similar but offers additional capabilities such as scrolling, searching, and jumping to lines.

Use Case 7: Display Help


more /?

Understanding the full capabilities and options of a command is necessary to harness its power. Utilizing the help feature is always beneficial for both new and experienced users seeking detailed command syntax and functionalities.


  • /?: Triggers the display of a comprehensive help menu describing the more command’s options and usage instructions.

Example Output:

Displays the specified file, one screen at a time.
/e       Extended interactive mode.

This output lists relevant command options and explanations for their use.


The more command is a versatile and essential tool for anyone who regularly deals with large files or lengthy console outputs. Its various options allow users to paginate text, customize views, and control data display precisely and conveniently. Each use case offered not only demonstrates the helpfulness of this tool but also the extent to which you can manipulate its output to best meet your textual analysis needs.

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