Using the mozillavpn command line interface (CLI) (with examples)

Using the mozillavpn command line interface (CLI) (with examples)

The mozillavpn command line interface (CLI) allows users to interact with the Mozilla VPN service from the command line. This article will provide code examples for different use cases of the mozillavpn command, along with motivations, explanations for each argument, and example outputs.

Log in with an interactive prompt

The mozillavpn login command is used to log in to the Mozilla VPN service with an interactive prompt.

mozillavpn login

Motivation for using the example: Logging in to the Mozilla VPN service is required to access the VPN functionality. Using the mozillavpn login command with an interactive prompt ensures a secure way of entering the login credentials.

Explanation for the arguments: The login subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn login command, the user will be prompted to enter their email address and password. Upon successful login, the user will receive a success message.

Connect to Mozilla VPN

The mozillavpn activate command is used to connect to the Mozilla VPN service.

mozillavpn activate

Motivation for using the example: Connecting to the Mozilla VPN allows users to secure their internet connection and protect their privacy while browsing. The mozillavpn activate command makes it easy to establish a VPN connection.

Explanation for the arguments: The activate subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn activate command, the VPN connection will be established, and the user will receive a success message indicating a successful connection.

Display the connection status

The mozillavpn status command is used to display the connection status of the Mozilla VPN service.

mozillavpn status

Motivation for using the example: Checking the connection status of the VPN service is useful to ensure that the VPN is active and to verify the connection details. The mozillavpn status command provides a quick way to check the VPN connection status.

Explanation for the arguments: The status subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn status command, the user will receive the current connection status of the VPN service. This may include details such as the VPN server being used, the IP address assigned, and the connection duration.

List available servers

The mozillavpn servers command is used to list the available servers of the Mozilla VPN service.

mozillavpn servers

Motivation for using the example: Being able to see the available servers is useful when deciding on the server to connect to. The mozillavpn servers command provides a list of all available servers, allowing the user to choose the most suitable one.

Explanation for the arguments: The servers subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn servers command, a list of available servers will be displayed. This list typically includes the server name, location, and latency.

Select a specific server

The mozillavpn select server_name command is used to select a specific server from the available servers.

mozillavpn select server_name

Motivation for using the example: Sometimes, users may want to connect to a specific server for various reasons, such as optimizing the connection speed or accessing region-specific content. The mozillavpn select command allows users to specify the server they want to connect to.

Explanation for the arguments: The select subcommand requires the server_name argument, which should be the name of the server the user wants to connect to. The server name can be obtained from the list of available servers using the mozillavpn servers command.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn select server_name command, the VPN will attempt to establish a connection to the specified server. The user will receive a success message upon successful connection.

Disconnect from Mozilla VPN

The mozillavpn deactivate command is used to disconnect from the Mozilla VPN service.

mozillavpn deactivate

Motivation for using the example: Disconnecting from the VPN service is useful when the user no longer needs a secure connection or wants to use their original IP address for certain activities. The mozillavpn deactivate command allows users to easily disconnect from the VPN service.

Explanation for the arguments: The deactivate subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn deactivate command, the VPN connection will be terminated, and the user will receive a success message indicating a successful disconnection.

Log out

The mozillavpn logout command is used to log out from the Mozilla VPN service.

mozillavpn logout

Motivation for using the example: Logging out from the VPN service is recommended when the user is done using the VPN or wants to switch to a different account. The mozillavpn logout command ensures that the user’s session is securely terminated.

Explanation for the arguments: The logout subcommand does not accept any additional arguments.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn logout command, the user will be logged out from the VPN service, and the session will be fully terminated.

Display help for a subcommand

The mozillavpn subcommand --help command is used to display help and usage instructions for a specific subcommand.

mozillavpn subcommand --help

Motivation for using the example: Being able to access help information for each subcommand is useful when users want to understand the available options and usage of each command. The mozillavpn subcommand --help command provides a concise way to view the help documentation.

Explanation for the arguments: The subcommand argument should be replaced with the actual subcommand for which the user wants to view the help information.

Example output: After running the mozillavpn subcommand --help command, the help documentation for the specified subcommand will be displayed. This will include a description of the subcommand, available options, and usage examples.


The mozillavpn CLI provides a convenient way to interact with the Mozilla VPN service from the command line. By demonstrating various use cases and providing code examples, this article has shown how to log in, connect, check status, choose servers, disconnect, log out, and access help using the mozillavpn command. These examples cover the essential functionality of the CLI and empower users to take full control of their VPN experience.

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