Using MPD Command (with examples)

Using MPD Command (with examples)

The MPD (Music Player Daemon) is a flexible and powerful music player server that allows users to remotely control and play music files from a wide range of devices. MPD can be controlled using various clients and supports a variety of file formats and streaming services.

In this article, we will explore different use cases of the mpd command, along with their code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Start MPD




Starting MPD is the first step to enable music playback. By using this command, MPD will read the configuration file (usually located at /etc/mpd.conf), initialize the required settings, and launch the MPD daemon.


The mpd command without any additional flags or arguments starts MPD using the default configuration file and enables the daemon to run in the background.

Example Output:

If MPD starts successfully, you won’t see any output on the console. However, you can check the status or configure MPD using other commands and tools.

Use Case 2: Start MPD but don’t read from the configuration file


mpd --no-config


Sometimes, you may want to start MPD with a custom configuration or skip reading the default configuration file entirely. In such scenarios, using the --no-config option ensures that MPD doesn’t load the configuration file during startup.


The --no-config flag instructs MPD to skip reading the default configuration file and ignore any settings specified in it. Instead, MPD will use the default built-in settings.

Example Output:

MPD will start with the default built-in settings. No additional output will be displayed on the console.

Use Case 3: Start MPD and don’t detach it from the console


mpd --no-daemon


By default, MPD runs as a daemon process in the background, which means it detaches from the console. However, there might be situations where you want to keep MPD running in the foreground, allowing you to monitor its output and interact with it more easily.


The --no-daemon option prevents MPD from forking into the background as a separate process. Instead, it stays attached to the console from which it was launched.

Example Output:

MPD will start and display its output directly in the console window. You can see the logs, status updates, and any errors or warnings in real-time.

Use Case 4: Kill the currently running MPD session


mpd --kill


If you need to stop the currently running MPD session, you can use the --kill option to gracefully terminate the MPD daemon.


The --kill flag sends a signal to the running MPD process, indicating that it should stop. This ensures that MPD saves its state and performs any necessary cleanup before exiting.

Example Output:

Once the --kill command is executed, the MPD daemon will shut down, freeing any resources it was using and terminating the music playback.

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