How to use the command 'msg' (with examples)

How to use the command 'msg' (with examples)

The msg command is used to send a message to a specific user or session in Windows. This command allows you to communicate with other users or sessions on the same machine or even on a different server. It is useful in various scenarios, such as sending important notifications, providing instructions, or requesting assistance from users or sessions.

Use case 1: Send a message to a specified user or session


msg username|session_name|session_id message


This use case is helpful when you want to send a direct message to a specific user or session on the same machine or a different server. You can use it to communicate important information or instructions to the intended recipient.


  • username: Specifies the username of the recipient user.
  • session_name: Specifies the name of the session you want to send the message to.
  • session_id: Specifies the ID of the session you want to send the message to.
  • message: The actual message you want to send.

Example output:

Sending a message to a user named “John” with the message “Please review the document” would be:

msg John "Please review the document"

Use case 2: Send a message from stdin


echo "message" | msg username|session_name|session_id


This use case allows you to send a message using the standard input (stdin). It is useful when you have the message content stored in a file or when you want to automate the process of sending messages.


  • message: The message fetched from the standard input.

Example output:

Using the echo command to send a message to a user named “Alice” with the content of a file called “message.txt” would be:

echo "Please review the attached document." | msg Alice

Use case 3: Send a message to a specific server


msg /server:server_name username|session_name|session_id


Sending a message to a specific server is useful when you want to communicate with users or sessions on a different machine. It allows you to pass messages between servers, making it convenient for collaboration or providing updates across multiple systems.


  • /server:server_name: Specifies the name or IP address of the server you want to send the message to.
  • username, session_name, or session_id: Specifies the recipient user or session on the specified server.

Example output:

Sending a message to a user named “Bob” on a server with the IP address “” would be:

msg /server: Bob "Important security update: please apply the latest patch."

Use case 4: Send a message to all users of the current machine


msg *


This use case allows you to send a message to all users currently logged into the machine. It can be beneficial when you need to broadcast important updates or announcements to everyone.


  • *: Sends the message to all users of the current machine.

Example output:

To send a message to all users on the machine, you can use the following command:

msg * "System maintenance will be performed tonight at 10:00 PM. Please save your work and log out before that time."

Use case 5: Set a delay in seconds for a message


msg /time:10


Setting a delay before sending a message can be useful when you want to give users or sessions some time to prepare for the message they are about to receive. This allows them to wrap up their ongoing tasks or save their work before reading the message.


  • /time:10: Specifies the delay time in seconds before sending the message.

Example output:

To send a message with a delay of 10 seconds, you can use the following command:

msg /time:10 Alice "Please note that system reboot is scheduled in 10 minutes. Save your work and log out before that time."


The msg command provides a convenient way to send messages to specific users or sessions, both locally and on remote servers. It offers various use cases, such as messaging individual users, broadcasting messages to multiple users, sending messages from stdin, and setting a delay before sending a message. By leveraging the msg command, you can effectively communicate with others and streamline your administrative tasks.

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