How to use the command 'msgunfmt' (with examples)

How to use the command 'msgunfmt' (with examples)

The msgunfmt command is a powerful tool used in the field of software localization. It is part of the GNU Gettext utilities suite, and its primary function is to decompile message catalogs from a binary format into a portable object format. This is especially useful for software developers and localizers working on internationalizing and localizing applications. The .mo files, or compiled message catalogs, are machine-readable translations, whereas the .po files, or portable object files, are human-readable and easier to edit.

Use case 1: Output conversion


msgunfmt path/to/


In the world of software localization, translations are typically stored in .mo files for efficient usage by applications. However, when a developer or translator needs to review or edit these translations, the binary format of .mo files is not suitable. Hence, converting the .mo files back to a readable format becomes necessary. The msgunfmt command helps to decompile these binary message catalogs into a more human-readable format, aiding developers and translators in viewing or modifying the translations as needed.


  • msgunfmt: This is the command itself, which is responsible for the decompilation process.
  • path/to/ This specifies the path to the .mo file that you want to convert. The .mo file is essentially a compiled message catalog that contains translation data in a format that is easily machine-readable.

Example output:

Running this command will output the contents of the .mo file in a format similar to a .po file. The exact display will depend on the structure of the translations within the .mo file, but you can expect to see information such as the translation headers and individual translation entries with their respective contexts.

Use case 2: Convert a .mo file to a .po file


msgunfmt path/to/ > path/to/file.po


During software development and localization, .po files are the standard format for editing translations. These files are easily readable and editable by humans, making them ideal for translators to work with. When a .mo file needs to be edited, it must first be converted back to a .po file. This command handles the conversion, allowing translators to make any necessary changes directly in the .po format, which can later be compiled back into .mo format for use in applications.


  • msgunfmt: This command performs the conversion from .mo to .po.
  • path/to/ Indicates the path to the input .mo file that you wish to convert.
  • >: This is a shell redirection operator that directs the output of the msgunfmt command into the specified .po file rather than displaying it on the screen.
  • path/to/file.po: Specifies the path where the output .po file should be saved. The resulting .po file contains the same translations from the .mo file in a format that is easy for human translators to work with.

Example output:

Executing this command produces a .po file containing text-based translations and metadata that were originally stored in the binary .mo format. This allows translators to view, edit, and manage translations within a simple text editor or specialized translation tools, providing greater flexibility and control over the translation process.


The msgunfmt command is an essential utility for those involved in software localization, providing the ability to convert binary .mo files into more accessible .po files. Whether for viewing current translations or preparing translations for editing, msgunfmt helps streamline the translation process, ensuring that translations can be easily managed and updated as needed.

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