Efficient Email Management with 'mu' (with examples)

Efficient Email Management with 'mu' (with examples)

The mu command is a powerful tool designed for indexing and searching through emails stored in a local Maildir. By creating a searchable database of your emails, it enhances your ability to quickly find specific emails based on various criteria such as keywords, subjects, senders, and more. It is invaluable for anyone who needs to manage a large volume of emails efficiently, making it easier to navigate through extensive email archives.

Use case 1: Initializing the email database


mu init --maildir=path/to/directory --my-address=name@example.com


Initializing the email database is the first step in setting up mu so that it can manage and search your emails effectively. This step specifies where your emails are stored and identifies the email addresses that belong to you. It is crucial because it allows mu to understand your email configuration and establish a baseline for future operations.


  • mu init: This command initializes the email database, preparing it for indexing and searching.
  • --maildir=path/to/directory: This option specifies the path to the directory where your Maildir is located, indicating where mu should look to find your emails.
  • --my-address=name@example.com: This option allows you to specify your email address, which is important for distinguishing between messages sent and received.

Example Output:

Creating new mu database in path/to/directory…
Adding email address: name@example.com
Initialization complete.

Use case 2: Indexing new emails


mu index


Indexing new emails with mu is necessary to keep your email database current. As you receive new messages, this command incorporates them into the database, ensuring that they are searchable. Regular indexing is critical for maintaining the efficacy of the search function.


  • mu index: This command tells mu to scan your Maildir and update the index with any new emails it finds. It’s an essential maintenance task to ensure that your database reflects the latest state of your emails.

Example Output:

Indexing mails in path/to/directory…
15 new messages indexed.
Indexing complete.

Use case 3: Finding messages using a specific keyword


mu find keyword


Searching for emails by keyword allows you to quickly locate messages related to specific topics or containing particular information. This is especially useful when you have remembered a fragment of information from a conversation but don’t recall the details.


  • mu find: This command initiates a search process within your email database.
  • keyword: The keyword is the term you are interested in, such as a piece of text you recall from an email. mu will search the message body, subject, sender, and receiver fields for this term.

Example Output:

1 result found:
- 2023-09-15 sender@example.com: "Keyword mentions and discussion"

Use case 4: Finding messages to Alice with specific criteria


mu find to:alice subject:jellyfish apples OR oranges


This use case demonstrates the power of combining criteria to narrow down search results. By specifying a recipient, subject, and multiple keywords, you can pinpoint the exact emails of interest, saving time from sifting through irrelevant messages.


  • to:alice: This filter confines results to messages sent to a contact named Alice.
  • subject:jellyfish: This further limits results to those with a subject line containing “jellyfish.”
  • apples OR oranges: This specifies that emails must contain either “apples” or “oranges,” adding flexibility to your search term requirements.

Example Output:

2 results found:
- 2023-01-10 alice@example.com: "Re: Jellyfish Article Discussion" (contains apples)
- 2023-03-22 alice@example.com: "Interesting Jellyfish Facts" (contains oranges)

Use case 5: Finding unread messages with specific subject criteria


mu find 'subject:soc*' flag:unread maildir:'/Sent Items'


When dealing with a large number of sent messages, it can be challenging to keep track of unread replies or follow-up actions. This search helps identify unread messages related to topics of interest (e.g., soccer, social events) within your sent items, highlighting tasks that might need attention.


  • 'subject:soc*': This uses a wildcard to search for subjects starting with “soc”, allowing for partial matches.
  • flag:unread: This filter searches only for messages that have not yet been read, which is useful for keeping track of new or overlooked responses.
  • maildir:'/Sent Items': This restricts the search to your Sent Items folder, ensuring you are looking within your outgoing communications.

Example Output:

1 result found:
- 2023-07-14 To: john@example.com Subject: "Social Event Planning"

Use case 6: Finding messages from Sam with image attachments


mu find 'mime:image/* size:2k..2m date:20210101..20211231 from:sam


Finding emails that meet specific criteria such as date, sender, attachment type, and size is crucial for effective data management. This capability is particularly useful for locating emails with important images shared by a known contact within a specific time frame.


  • 'mime:image/*': Searches for emails containing image attachments, helpful when you need to find emails with graphics, photos, or logos.
  • size:2k..2m: Filters emails by size within a range, in this case, 2 KiB to 2 MiB, which might denote substantial attachments.
  • date:20210101..20211231: Searches for emails sent in a specific date range, aiding in locating communications from the year 2021.
  • from:sam: Restricts search to emails sent by a person named Sam, narrowing the focus to a particular sender whose images you need to locate.

Example Output:

3 results found:
- 2021-02-14 sam@example.com: "Family Picture" attachment size 1.5MB
- 2021-06-15 sam@example.com: "Project Diagram" attachment size 200kB
- 2021-11-20 sam@example.com: "Holiday Photos" attachment size 1.8MB

Use case 7: Listing contacts with ‘Bob’ in name or email


mu cfind Bob


Listing contacts by name or email is useful for quickly finding addresses or verifying the existence of a contact within your database. It simplifies tasks like sending group emails or managing your address book.


  • mu cfind: This command searches the email database for contact information.
  • Bob: The search term is a name or email fragment. In this case, it identifies contacts with “Bob” either in their name or email address, which is useful for recalling multiple contact possibilities.

Example Output:

2 results found:
- Bob Smith <bobsmith@example.com>
- Robert Brown <bob.brown@example.com>


The mu command offers robust functionality for managing and searching your emails within a local Maildir, making it easier to handle large collections of messages. By effectively utilizing mu, you can achieve granular searches, streamline email organization, and maintain an efficient workflow.

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