mu (with examples)

mu (with examples)


mu is a command-line tool that allows users to index and search emails from a local Maildir. It provides a fast and efficient way to organize and retrieve emails based on various search criteria. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the mu command along with code examples and their respective outputs.

1: Initialize the email database


mu init --maildir=path/to/directory


Initializing the email database is the first step before using mu to index and search emails. This command allows us to specify the Maildir directory location and our email address.


  • --maildir: This argument is used to specify the path to the Maildir directory where the emails are stored.
  • --my-address: This argument is used to specify our email address.

Example Output:

Initialized database with Maildir at path/to/directory
Set my address to

2: Index new emails


mu index


After initializing the email database, we need to index new emails to make them searchable. This command updates the index with the new emails present in the Maildir directory.


This command does not require any arguments.

Example Output:

Indexed 10 new messages

3: Find messages using a specific keyword


mu find keyword


Sometimes, we need to search for emails that contain a specific keyword. This command allows us to search for messages based on the presence of the given keyword in the message body, subject, sender, or other fields.


  • keyword: This argument is used to specify the keyword that we want to search for.

Example Output:

Found 5 messages containing the keyword "example"

4: Find messages to a specific recipient with a specific subject and content


mu find to:alice subject:jellyfish apples OR oranges


The ability to search for messages with specific criteria is crucial for efficiently managing emails. This command allows us to find messages that are sent to a specific recipient (in this case, Alice) with a specific subject (e.g., “jellyfish”) and containing specific words (e.g., “apples” or “oranges”) in the content.


  • to:alice: This argument is used to search for messages sent to the recipient “alice”.
  • subject:jellyfish: This argument is used to search for messages with the subject “jellyfish”.
  • apples OR oranges: This argument is used to search for messages containing either the word “apples” or “oranges” in the content.

Example Output:

Found 3 messages sent to Alice with the subject "jellyfish" and containing either "apples" or "oranges".

5: Find unread messages about words starting with a specific prefix in a specific folder


mu find 'subject:soc*' flag:unread maildir:'/Sent Items'


When managing a large number of emails, it is often helpful to find unread messages on specific topics. This command allows us to search for unread messages with subjects starting with a specific prefix (e.g., “soc”) in a specific folder (e.g., “Sent Items”).


  • 'subject:soc*': This argument is used to search for messages with subjects starting with the prefix “soc”.
  • flag:unread: This argument is used to search for unread messages.
  • maildir:'/Sent Items': This argument is used to search for messages specifically in the “Sent Items” folder.

Example Output:

Found 2 unread messages with subjects starting with "soc" in the "Sent Items" folder.

6: Find messages from a specific sender with attached images, within a specific size range and time period


mu find 'mime:image/* size:2k..2m date:20210101..20211231 from:sam'


Searching for specific types of messages based on sender, attachment type, size range, and time period can be useful in various scenarios. This command allows us to search for messages from a specific sender (e.g., Sam) with attached images, within a specific size range (from 2 KiB to 2 MiB), and written within a specific time period (e.g., during the year 2021).


  • 'mime:image/*': This argument is used to search for messages with attached images.
  • size:2k..2m: This argument is used to search for messages within the size range of 2 KiB to 2 MiB.
  • date:20210101..20211231: This argument is used to search for messages written within the time period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021.
  • from:sam: This argument is used to search for messages specifically from the sender “sam”.

Example Output:

Found 5 messages from Sam with attached images, within the size range of 2 KiB to 2 MiB, and written in 2021.

7: List contacts with a specific name or email address


mu cfind Bob


Having the ability to quickly search for contacts with a specific name or email address can be beneficial when managing a large list of contacts. This command allows us to search for contacts with the name or email address containing the given search term (e.g., “Bob”).


  • Bob: This argument is the search term used to find contacts with a name or email address containing “Bob”.

Example Output:

Found 3 contacts with the name or email address containing "Bob":
- Bob Smith (
- Robert Johnson (
- Bobby Brown (


In this article, we explored various use cases of the mu command with code examples and their respective outputs. mu provides a powerful and efficient way to index and search emails from a local Maildir. By understanding these different use cases, users can effectively organize and retrieve emails based on specific criteria, improving their email management workflow.

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