How to use the command 'mv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'mv' (with examples)

The ‘mv’ command is used to move or rename files and directories in Linux. It allows us to change the location of files and directories, while also providing options to rename them if needed.

Use case 1: Rename a file or directory when the target is not an existing directory


mv path/to/source path/to/target

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to rename a file or directory without changing its location. By specifying the new target name, we can easily rename the file or directory.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to rename. ‘path/to/target’ specifies the new name for the file or directory.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘oldfile.txt’ in the current directory and we want to rename it to ’newfile.txt’, the command would be: mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt

Use case 2: Move a file or directory into an existing directory


mv path/to/source path/to/existing_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to move a file or directory into an existing directory. By specifying the destination directory, we can easily relocate the file or directory.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to move. ‘path/to/existing_directory’ specifies the destination directory where the file or directory will be moved.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the current directory and we want to move it to the directory ‘destination’, the command would be: mv file.txt destination

Use case 3: Move multiple files into an existing directory, keeping the filenames unchanged


mv path/to/source1 path/to/source2 ... path/to/existing_directory

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to move multiple files into an existing directory, without changing their filenames. It allows us to organize our files and keep them together in a specific directory.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘path/to/source1’, ‘path/to/source2’, etc. represent the multiple files we want to move. ‘path/to/existing_directory’ specifies the destination directory where the files will be moved.

Example output: If we have two files named ‘file1.txt’ and ‘file2.txt’ in the current directory, and we want to move them to the directory ‘destination’, the command would be: mv file1.txt file2.txt destination

Use case 4: Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files


mv -f path/to/source path/to/target

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to overwrite existing files without being prompted for confirmation. It helps in automating the process and avoiding interruptions while moving or renaming files.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘-f’ is the option to force the move without confirmation. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to move or rename. ‘path/to/target’ specifies the new name or destination where the file or directory will be moved.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the current directory and we want to move it to ‘destination’, overwriting any existing file, the command would be: mv -f file.txt destination

Use case 5: Prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files, regardless of file permissions


mv -i path/to/source path/to/target

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to be prompted for confirmation before overwriting existing files, regardless of file permissions. It ensures that we have control over the process and can decide whether to proceed with the move or not.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘-i’ is the option to prompt for confirmation before overwriting. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to move or rename. ‘path/to/target’ specifies the new name or destination where the file or directory will be moved.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the current directory and we want to move it to ‘destination’, with a prompt for confirmation before overwriting any existing file, the command would be: mv -i file.txt destination

Use case 6: Do not overwrite existing files at the target


mv -n path/to/source path/to/target

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to avoid overwriting existing files at the destination. It helps in preserving the integrity of the files and preventing accidental loss of data.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘-n’ is the option to not overwrite existing files. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to move or rename. ‘path/to/target’ specifies the new name or destination where the file or directory will be moved.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the current directory and we want to move it to ‘destination’, without overwriting any existing file, the command would be: mv -n file.txt destination

Use case 7: Move files in verbose mode, showing files after they are moved


mv -v path/to/source path/to/target

Motivation: This use case is useful when we want to have a visual confirmation of the files being moved. It provides a verbose output, showing the files after they are moved.

Explanation: ‘mv’ is the command to execute. ‘-v’ is the option for verbose mode. ‘path/to/source’ represents the current file or directory we want to move or rename. ‘path/to/target’ specifies the new name or destination where the file or directory will be moved.

Example output: If we have a file named ‘file.txt’ in the current directory and we want to move it to ‘destination’, with a verbose output showing the files being moved, the command would be: mv -v file.txt destination


The ‘mv’ command is a versatile tool for moving and renaming files and directories in Linux. With its various options, we can easily manage our files, organize them in different directories, and automate the process when needed.

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