Using mycli (with examples)

Using mycli (with examples)

Mycli is a command-line client for MySQL that provides auto-completion and syntax highlighting. It offers a convenient way to interact with a MySQL database from the command line. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the mycli command by providing code examples, motivations, explanations for each argument, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Connecting to a local database on port 3306 using the current user’s username

mycli database_name


This use case is useful when we want to connect to a local MySQL database running on the default port (3306) using the current user’s username. It allows quick access to the database without specifying additional parameters.


  • mycli: The command to launch the mycli client.
  • database_name: The name of the local MySQL database you want to connect to.

Example Output

After executing the command, mycli will connect to the specified database_name and display the MySQL prompt, ready for further interactions.

Use Case 2: Connecting to a database and prompting for a password

mycli -u username database_name


This use case is useful when we want to connect to a MySQL database with a specific username but want to be prompted for the password. It provides an extra layer of security by not including the password in the command itself.


  • mycli: The command to launch the mycli client.
  • -u username: The username to use for the database connection. Replace username with the actual username you want to use.
  • database_name: The name of the MySQL database you want to connect to.

Example Output

After executing the command, mycli will prompt you to enter the password associated with the specified username. Once you enter the correct password, mycli will connect to the database_name and display the MySQL prompt.

Use Case 3: Connecting to a database on another host with custom port and username

mycli -h database_host -P port -u username database_name


This use case is useful when we want to connect to a MySQL database hosted on a different machine, specifying a custom port and a non-default username. It allows us to connect to remote databases with specific credentials.


  • mycli: The command to launch the mycli client.
  • -h database_host: The hostname or IP address of the machine hosting the MySQL database. Replace database_host with the actual host you want to connect to.
  • -P port: The port number to use for the database connection. Replace port with the custom port you want to use.
  • -u username: The username to use for the database connection. Replace username with the actual username you want to use.
  • database_name: The name of the MySQL database you want to connect to.

Example Output

After executing the command, mycli will initiate a connection to the specified remote MySQL database using the provided credentials. Once connected, it will display the MySQL prompt, indicating that you can perform various operations on the database.

By understanding these different use cases of the mycli command, you can effectively connect to local or remote MySQL databases with ease and security. Whether you need to connect to a database using the current user’s username, prompt for a password, or specify custom credentials, mycli provides the flexibility and convenience required for efficient MySQL database interactions.

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