How to use the command 'n' (with examples)

How to use the command 'n' (with examples)

The ’n’ command is a powerful tool used to manage multiple versions of Node.js. It allows users to effortlessly install, activate, remove, and execute files with different Node.js versions. This article will provide examples for each use case of the ’n’ command, along with a clear explanation of the arguments used and their output.

Use case 1: Install and activate a specific version of Node.js


n version

Motivation: Installing different versions of Node.js is essential for developers to test their code against multiple runtime environments. The ’n’ command simplifies this process by allowing users to quickly switch between different versions.

Explanation: The ‘version’ argument specifies the desired version of Node.js to install and activate. If the version is already installed, the ’n’ command activates it directly.

Example output:

  installed : v14.17.0 (with npm 6.14.13)
      active : v14.17.0 (with npm 6.14.13)

Use case 2: Display and activate installed versions of Node.js



Motivation: When working with multiple Node.js versions, it can be helpful to see a list of all the installed versions. This use case allows users to interactively select and activate a specific version.

Explanation: Executing the ’n’ command without any arguments displays a list of all installed Node.js versions. Users can select the desired version by navigating with arrow keys and pressing enter to activate it.

Example output:

  * 12.22.1

Use case 3: Remove a specific version of Node.js


n rm version

Motivation: As new versions of Node.js are released, it is common to remove older versions that are no longer needed. The ’n’ command simplifies the removal process by allowing users to specify the version to be removed.

Explanation: The ‘rm’ argument followed by the ‘version’ specifies the Node.js version to remove from the system. Once the removal is executed, the specified version will no longer appear in the list of installed versions.

Example output:

  * 12.22.1

Use case 4: Execute a file with a specific version of Node.js


n use version file.js

Motivation: When running Node.js applications or scripts, it is sometimes necessary to execute them with a specific version to ensure compatibility. The ’n’ command allows developers to run their files with the desired Node.js version easily.

Explanation: Using the ‘use’ argument followed by the ‘version’ and ‘file.js’ specifies the version of Node.js to be used when executing the specified file.

Example output:

Hello, World!

Use case 5: Output the binary path for a specific version of Node.js


n bin version

Motivation: Knowledge of the binary path for a specific Node.js version can be beneficial, especially when configuring development environments or managing dependencies. This use case provides insight into the location of the binary associated with a particular Node.js version.

Explanation: The ‘bin’ argument followed by the ‘version’ specifies the Node.js version for which users want to know the binary path.

Example output:



The ’n’ command is a valuable tool for managing multiple versions of Node.js. It simplifies the process of installing, activating, removing, and executing files with different versions, providing developers with greater flexibility and efficiency in their development workflows.

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