Using the `neato` Command to Render Network Graphs (with examples)

Using the `neato` Command to Render Network Graphs (with examples)

The neato command is a powerful tool in the graphviz package that allows you to render images of network graphs from graphviz files. It provides various options for controlling the layout of the graphs and selecting the output format of the rendered image. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the neato command and provide code examples along with their motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Rendering a PNG Image with Automatic Output Filename

neato -T png -O path/to/input.gv


In some cases, you may want to render a PNG image of a network graph without specifying the output filename explicitly. The -O option with the uppercase “O” automatically generates the output filename based on the input filename and the output format.


The neato command is used with the -T option to specify the output format, which is set to png in this case. The -O option tells neato to use the automatically generated output filename. Finally, path/to/input.gv is the path to the input graphviz file.

Example Output:

The command neato -T png -O path/to/input.gv will render the network graph from path/to/input.gv as a PNG image with a filename based on the input file’s name and the output format. The output image will be saved in the current directory.

Use Case 2: Rendering an SVG Image with Specified Output Filename

neato -T svg -o path/to/image.svg path/to/input.gv


SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a popular image format for web-based applications as it allows for high-quality graphics that can be scaled without loss of resolution. By specifying the output filename with the -o option in the neato command, you can generate an SVG image tailored for your specific requirements.


The neato command is used with the -T option to set the output format to svg. The -o option followed by path/to/image.svg specifies the output filename and its location. Finally, path/to/input.gv is the path to the input graphviz file.

Example Output:

Executing the command neato -T svg -o path/to/image.svg path/to/input.gv will render the network graph from path/to/input.gv as an SVG image. The output image will be saved with the specified filename and path (path/to/image.svg).

Use Case 3: Rendering the Output in Different Formats

neato -T format -O path/to/input.gv


Sometimes, you may want to render the output of the neato command in a format other than the default PNG or SVG. By replacing format with the desired format (e.g., pdf, ps, fig, jpg, json, etc.), you can generate the network graph in the format that best suits your needs.


The neato command uses the -T option to specify the output format (format). The -O option with the uppercase “O” generates an automatically named output file with the specified format. Finally, path/to/input.gv is the path to the input graphviz file.

Example Output:

If you run the command neato -T pdf -O path/to/input.gv, it will generate a PDF file from the network graph defined in path/to/input.gv. The output file will have a filename automatically determined by neato based on the input file’s name and the format (path/to/input.pdf).

Use Case 4: Rendering a GIF Image Using Stdin and Stdout

echo "graph {this -- that} " | neato -T gif > path/to/image.gif


In some cases, you may want to generate a GIF image directly from the graph definition without using an input file. By using stdin and stdout, you can pass the graph definition to the neato command using a pipe (|) and save the rendered image to a file using the output redirection symbol (>).


The echo command is used to print the graph definition, graph {this -- that}, to the standard output. The pipe operator (|) sends the output of echo as input to the neato command. The -T gif option specifies the output format as GIF. Finally, the output redirection symbol (>) followed by path/to/image.gif saves the generated image to the specified file.

Example Output:

Running the command echo "graph {this -- that} " | neato -T gif > path/to/image.gif will generate a GIF image from the graph definition graph {this -- that}. The resulting image will be saved at path/to/image.gif.

Use Case 5: Displaying Help

neato -?


When you are new to the neato command or need a quick reference for its usage and options, you can use the -? option to display the help information.


The neato command is executed with the -? option, which triggers the display of the help information.

Example Output:

Executing the command neato -? will display the help information, which includes a summary of the neato command’s usage, available options, and brief descriptions of the options.

In conclusion, the neato command in the graphviz package provides a flexible and easy way to render network graphs from graphviz files. By exploring the various use cases and examples presented above, you can effectively utilize the neato command to generate images of network graphs in different formats and customize them according to your needs.

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