How to use the command 'neomutt' (with examples)

How to use the command 'neomutt' (with examples)

Neomutt is a command-line email client that can be used to read, write, and send emails. It offers a range of features and options to customize your email experience. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the neomutt command along with their code, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use case 1: Open the specified mailbox


neomutt -f path/to/mailbox


This use case allows you to open a specific mailbox in neomutt, enabling you to view and manage the emails within it. It is useful when you have multiple mailboxes and need to access a specific one quickly.


  • neomutt: Invokes the neomutt command-line email client.
  • -f path/to/mailbox: Specifies the path to the desired mailbox to be opened.

Example output:

When running the following command: neomutt -f ~/Mail/inbox, neomutt will open the mailbox located at ~/Mail/inbox, displaying the list of emails contained within it.

Use case 2: Start writing an email with a subject and cc recipient


neomutt -s "subject" -c


This use case allows you to quickly start composing an email with a specified subject and carbon copy (cc) recipient. It is useful when you want to send an email and ensure that a particular recipient is included in the cc field.


  • -s "subject": Specifies the subject of the email.
  • -c Specifies the cc recipient’s email address.
  • Specifies the main recipient’s email address.

Example output:

Running the following command: neomutt -s "Hello" -c, neomutt will open the compose window with the subject “Hello” and cc recipient “ ” pre-filled.

Use case 3: Send an email with files attached


neomutt -a path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ... --


This use case allows you to send an email with one or multiple attachments. It is useful when you need to share files, documents, or images via email.


  • -a path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...: Specifies the path(s) to the file(s) to be attached.
  • --: Separates the attachment arguments from the recipient argument.
  • Specifies the email address of the recipient.

Example output:

Executing the following command: neomutt -a path/to/photo.jpg --, neomutt will create an email with the photo.jpg file attached and the recipient field populated with “ ”.

Use case 4: Specify a file to include as the message body


neomutt -i path/to/file


This use case enables you to specify a file that will be used as the content of the email’s message body. It is useful when you have a pre-composed file or template that you want to use as the email’s body.


  • -i path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file to be included as the email’s message body.
  • Specifies the email address of the recipient.

Example output:

When executing the following command: neomutt -i path/to/message.txt, neomutt will open the compose window with the content of the message.txt file loaded as the email’s message body. The recipient field will be populated with “ ”.

Use case 5: Specify a draft file containing the header and the body of the message


neomutt -H path/to/file


This use case allows you to use a draft file that contains the header and body of an email, following the RFC 5322 format. It is useful if you have prepared an email in advance and want to send it using neomutt.


  • -H path/to/file: Specifies the path to the draft file containing the email’s header and body.
  • Specifies the email address of the recipient.

Example output:

Running the following command: neomutt -H path/to/draft.txt, neomutt will load the contents of the draft.txt file, including the header and body, into the compose window. The recipient field will be populated with “ ”.


The neomutt command-line email client provides a powerful set of features for managing and composing emails. We have explored various use cases, including opening specific mailboxes, composing emails with subjects and cc recipients, attaching files, specifying message bodies, and using draft files. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, you can make the most out of the neomutt email client and enhance your email workflow.

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