How to convert Atari Neochrome NEO files to PPM images using 'neotoppm' (with examples)

How to convert Atari Neochrome NEO files to PPM images using 'neotoppm' (with examples)

The ’neotoppm’ command is a utility tool designed to convert Atari Neochrome NEO files into PPM (Portable Pixmap) image format. This conversion is essential because PPM is a more flexible and widely-supported image format compatible with a broader range of image processing tools and software than the original Atari Neochrome format. This utility is part of the Netpbm package, a suite of graphics programs offering minimal manipulation of graphics files and conversions between various formats.

Use case 1: Generate the PPM image as output for an Atari Neochrome NEO file as input


neotoppm path/to/file.neo


The primary motivation for using the ’neotoppm’ command in this context is to transform an Atari Neochrome NEO file, which is a specialized and less commonly supported image format, into a PPM format. The PPM format is more universally recognized by image editing software and libraries, which enables further processing, sharing, or archiving of the images that were originally created on Atari systems. This conversion allows both preservation and greater accessibility of digital art from Atari’s era in the modern digital landscape.


  • neotoppm: This is the command being used. It tells the system to execute the Neotoppm program, which is responsible for converting the file format from NEO to PPM.

  • path/to/file.neo: This argument specifies the path to the input file that is to be converted. The file must be of the NEO type, indicating that it originates from the Atari Neochrome graphics format. The path can be either relative, starting from the current working directory, or absolute, specifying the full path from the root.

Example Output:

After executing the command, the output would be a PPM file containing the image data originally stored in the NEO format. If the input file is named “example.neo,” you might see an output like “example.ppm” in the same directory unless redirected.

Use case 2: Display version


neotoppm -version


The motivation behind checking the version of ’neotoppm’ is to verify the current version installed on your system. This is particularly useful for troubleshooting or confirming compatibility with other software tools or libraries. Knowing the version can also help you check if you have the latest features and bug fixes by comparing the installed version with the latest one available from the developer’s site.


  • neotoppm: This continues to be the command utilized. Here, it runs the ’neotoppm’ program.

  • -version: This is an option flag that changes the behavior of the program from performing a file conversion to displaying version information. When this flag is provided, the program outputs the current version of ’neotoppm’ installed on the system rather than performing any conversion tasks.

Example Output:

On running the command, you might see output similar to “neotoppm version 10.86 (10 January 2019),” depending on the version you have installed. This provides the version number and possibly the release date, offering insights into the currency and update status of your software.


The ’neotoppm’ utility is an important tool for anyone needing to convert graphics from the obsolete Atari Neochrome formats into more modern and universally recognized PPM formats. This not only makes the old graphics accessible for modern use and display but also ensures that digital art from the past is preserved for future generations to enjoy and study. Furthermore, understanding the version of the tool installed can help ensure compatibility and awareness of the functionalities available.

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